How to fold socks

How to fold socks

Each hostess knows how much time is spent in search of a sock to make a couple. It happens that the sock is located, and it happens that the loss is not possible to find. In order not to spend time in a gift, you just need to learn how to put socks so that they never have lost.

"Where my sock goes," "After washing again, I can't find a pair of beloved socks" - familiar? And so happens almost in every family. Some are sure that the socks "swallows" the washing machine, some think that the socks "run away" after drying. So that such mysticism is no longer, let's learn how to learn the simple rules for folding things.

How to fold socks. The first way

Take a pair of socks, fold them together so that the socks were with socks, and the heels with heels. Moved? It is not hard. Now you need to start turning a bun from the sock. We fold until a neat ball is obtained. You can fix the socks in this way using one of the rubber socks. It is necessary to wrap the bang inwards in one of the socks. The gum fits tightly socks and they will not disintegrate.

This method is fast and light, no time is not spent, you can fold the socks on the weight, without folding on the solid surface. You can do it right on the balcony or near the drying, removing socks after washing. This method also has a disadvantage: the socks are stacked not compact and such balls in the closet are recruited a tent of 2-3. Store socks folded in this way, not all comfortable. If you fold socks into a special box, then this method is suitable. And if on the shelf in a payable cabinet, then they occupy a lot of space and always rolled out somewhere.

Another folding option: Socks do not need to twist, and visually divided into 3 segments, fold the right segment, then left, wrap inside the top under the gum. It turns out a flat rectangular figure of socks. Store socks folded in this way, very convenient in boxes.

How to fold socks. The method of the second

This method is reminiscent of the first, because the result will be the same. Suitable more for short, sports socks.

We fold socks as follows:

  • after washing, prepare a pair of socks;
  • put on one sock on my right hand, the second - on the left;
  • fold your hands as with the handshake, and now pay attention to your hands: if the thumb ended on top of the left hand, then he should play the main game - to pull the elastic band of the sock, rushed on the right hand;
  • further, everything is simple: with your left hand help to pull the sock with the right hand, the hand was released - on the left so that the sock was in the sock.

What is good this way: if with washing the spin it was put on high speed or if used the drying machine, then the socks are easy to straighten into the palms. The minuses are more: a lot of time goes to wear socks, then minimize the "kolobkom". By the way, the ball of socks is not so accustomed as at the first method.

How neatly folded socks. Method Third

Let's learn together together to fold a pair of socks so that it turns out a compact square:

  • put one sock on the table so that the heel "watched" up;
  • from above on this sock to the heel down, put the second toe cross-crosswise;
  • call the left side of the sock to the middle (the tip of the sock must be rotated under the bottom);
  • now repeat your actions regarding the right side of the sock;
  • press the left part of the sock again and then right;
  • a free tip must be wrapped inside, under the gum so that a neat square is made.

This method is more suitable for long socks, but folded sports short socks in this way will not work.

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