How to fold a shirt

How to fold a shirt

To make a question about the right way every time, you will remember two simple options, and your shirts will remain smooth even after unpacking the road suitcase.

How to fold a shirt - the first option

Very common and easy way, it is also used in clothing stores. The main thing is that the shirt is well deployed and cooled at the time of addition:

  • put the shirt on the brand surface with your back to yourself,
  • purify it well
  • one sleeve wrap behind the back to the gate, it will be a fold line there.
  • repeat the same thing with the second sleeve
  • now neatly fold the shirt in half and turn over to yourself.

Such a method is easy to remember, but he needs to learn, because at first it is difficult to smooth out the bend smoothly.

How to fold the shirt - the second option

In this case, the folding line on the sleeves will be elsewhere, almost on the seams, which is very convenient. But new bends will appear on the elbows. Therefore, you decide which option is more suitable:

  • put the shirt as well as the back side to yourself
  • sleep the sleeve behind the back,

  • then, bend it from the middle of the elbow to the collar. So the sleeve will be invisible, and you will avoid the chances around the edges with the wrong folding of the first option,
  • repeat these steps with the second sleeve, also folding it on the gate,
  • bend the shirt in half, swallow it with your hands,
  • turn the face to yourself.

Both options are simple in memorization and save the shirt smooth for all time traveling. Remember several tips for simpler styling:

  • the shirt must be well deployed,
  • should give it to cool and only then fold,
  • if you did not succeed right away, do not despair, do not leave the chances, just try again.

For clarity of the way, see the video below:

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