How to wash white socks

How to wash white socks

White socks look beautiful, but rapid pollution scares people from their purchase. Over time, socks become yellowish or grayish, and the desire to wear them disappears. Do not rush to throw white socks, they can be given the original look! They are erased in a washing machine, and manually. But there are little tricks that we will tell.

We cut white socks - the main rules

For the best wash of white socks, consider the following tips:

  • go in socks one day, no more;
  • do not erase with color things;
  • fold up polluted socks immediately after socks, do not send to the basket for linen. With fresh pollution to cope easier;
  • never soak in too hot water and erased socks, twisted inside out.

We cut white socks - soaking

First, white socks are soaked and not in ordinary hot water, but with the addition of ingredients. It will return to them the original white color. Soaking options:

  • soda solution. In two liters of warm water, divorce 4 tbsp. Food soda spoons. Pour the solution into the basin, lower the socks for 2-3 hours;
  • boric acid. On the liter of clean water, take 1 tbsp. spoonful acid. Immerse the socks for a couple of hours;
  • lemon acid or lemon juice. To soak the product, make a weak solution from water and citric acid. The second option is water with a juice of one middle lemon. Old dirt on the socks, in soaking by a piece of lemon;
  • stain remover or soap economic. Put the thing in a pelvis with warm water and spend well with soap or add a stain remover and strike. Naked socks do not twist, put into the plastic bag and tie tightly. We leave for the whole night, and in the morning just comprehend with the addition of powder with hands or typewriter.

We remove white socks in a washing machine

After soaking, we erase socks in the washing machine in normal mode with the addition of powder. Too hot water for their washing does not fit. Small tricks for better wash:

  • when ringed in the rinse compartment, put 200 g of food soda;
  • put with socks in drum machine Two balls for tennis or ribbed balls, designed for washing down down jackets. They improve the quality of washing;
  • pour into the drum machine 50 g of mustard powder together with the powder was washed. Pick up the washing mode so that the water temperature does not exceed 40 degrees;
  • during washing, add aware of dishwashers with a powder. It will strengthen the effect of powder and socks are beyond better.

We rest white socks with hands

Before hand washing, soak socks as it is above, and then comprehend with powder. But the best way to washing is digestion. It is used for a long time. For a better effect, take the household soap and lemon. The process of digestion:

  • pour in a pelvis or a large saucepan cold water;
  • squeeze juice from the quarter of the lemon and put a bit of economic soap, grated on a large grater;
  • immerse your socks into the water and place on the stove;
  • after boiling water, tapping socks 20 minutes.

Take out the product and post your hands with a powder in warm water. Not three of them strongly, the fabric is wearing. For pushups firmly squeeze your socks in a lump.

If the socks are very charged, and it did not work out - do not be discouraged. They have already served their own. Buy new white socks, take the above note and start to wash them correctly.

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