How to celebrate Palm Sunday

How to celebrate Palm Sunday

7 days before the joyful festival of Easter, the believers of Christians meet Palm Sunday. The history of the spiritual day tells about the entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem, who was the beginning of the path of godded. In 2017, the date of the celebration is April 9.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday - Holiday History

The sacred holiday was preceded by a great event, Lazareva Saturday - the Lord raised from the dead her friend of Lazari, who was dead in the coffin for 4 days. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, together with him was the resurrected miracle of Lazar, on this day there was a huge number of people who came to look at the risen. Before the entrance, the Lord commanded the disciples to bring the donkey and young foxha, after which he entered the Oscrate in Jerusalem. By his entry on the animal, the Lord showed humility. People rejoiced to the came to Jesus and sat down under the feet of clothing or broken young shoots of palm trees. At that time, the palm crowns handed over the winners. The Lord honored as a winner over death. In our lane, palm trees do not grow, but the first one who wakes up after the winter of jellows is the willow, which we meet the Lord in Palm Resurrection.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday

Consecrate the branches is necessary on the eve of the coming holiday, in 2017 this day is April 8th. It is necessary to come to the church for all-night worship. The priest will read the Holy Gospel and the 50th Psalm, after which the Willow branches will consecrate. Then the obedients are distributed to all parishioners of the twigs, further worship passes with candles and with the vessel in their hands. The consecration of the branches also spend the Verbal Resurrection, on reading the prayer of John of Zlatoust.

  • Festive celebration passes a quiet family dinner. It is allowed to cook the table, put the red wine and the eats allowed by the Great Post. Palm Sunday is the last afternoon in which the church allows relief in abstinence.
  • Do not do homework on this day, try to fulfill all the preparations per day before the holiday.
  • The next week is the passionate week of Jesus Christ. In the evening of Palm Resurrection, think about the meaning of your life and about your actions.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday - customs

In many surroundings, a custom has been preserved - put on the last path of the deceased willow branch in hand. According to the laws of the Bible, a piety tradition means that the soul of a man will rise and meet Jesus Christ with consecrated branches. Vintage customs came to us from deep Rus, people sincerely believed and performed many rites on this day:

  • Store the willow need a whole year as a symbol of a new life and healing force. The willow must stand in the red corner, behind icons.
  • When introduced into the house of the sanctified willow, troubles and attacks go from the dwelling.
  • In Russia, parents walked their children with light patters on the body of consecrated Verba, according to legend it added health kids for a whole year.
  • All planted flowers and plants on this day will grow along with money profit in the house.
  • Orthodox believe that if you taste your kidney, the important difficulties of their lives will be solved.
  • In the running night on the sacred holiday, think about the road, with whom we do not have a relationship, you will definitely meet in the morning of the next day.
  • When rain went to Palm Sunday - people believe that they will get a good crop in the summer.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday - Family Charm

Before the celebration of the Great Day, the believers make a beige family charm who will protect the family from quarrels, diseases and difficulties, throughout the year after the holiday.

  • To create a protective guard, prepare the number of verb twigs equal to the number of family members. During the day, go to the temple on the festive prayer and sprinkled them.
  • Returning home, give the whole family to start the holy water, and gossip from the sprinkled branches of a wreath, mentally presenting how your relatives took up their hands and formed a tight circle. The end and the beginning of the overag connect in a wreath.
  • After creating a wreath, the main member of the family must take it into the hands and ending the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, read the prayer: "Verba Saint Paul swung, unfriendly from our family drove. As truth that people are verbal resurrection of honor, so the truth is that bad people, diseases and enemies are not to our family. Amen." Read three times. To strengthen the protective guard, read the prayer - "Virodia Virgo are rejoice." After that, cross 3 times and store wreath behind icons.

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