How to go to Ivan Kupala

How to go to Ivan Kupala

Since ancient times, the girls wondered not only for the shints. I was looking forward to and a cottage night. The main rituals and rites of the Ivanovo holiday are known from the 17th century! They guess near the rivers of other reservoirs.

Girls on Ivan Kupala was taken to weave wreaths. They will come with the Bogorodskaya grass, burdock, the flowers of Ivan-da Marya, a bear ears. Candles or lit-on rays are sticking in a wreath, after descending along the river. And they look like he behaves:

  • If the wreath quickly sails away from the shores, it means that his owner will soon marry, it also promises a happy life.
  • Whose wreath on the water will last longer than others - it will be the happiest.
  • Which girl rauchinka or candle will priece longer - she will live a very long life.
  • If the wreath broke, the flowers fell out - weddings do not wait.
  • But if someone had a wreath drowned, it should know that this is a bad omen. That girl will not marry this year, and the narrowed in general will lose interest to her: "The wreath drowned - deliciously deceived."

And you are still guessing in a cottage night on herbs. At midnight, a bunch of grass should be collected, while you can not watch what you collect. Flowers need to put on the night under the pillow. In the morning they check that there are 12 different plants. In this case, be marriage this year. The girls put a tributant under her head, so the plantain was called in the old days. At the same time, they sentenced: "Freight-flight, you live on the road, you see small and old, say my narrowed!". And then went to bed.

Looked at the horse, makes a desire:

  • If she lowered his head - it will not be smooth in a relationship;
  • When the head and mane will shook from left to right - there is a detractor in your environment;
  • The horse trams, moving from her legs to the leg - soon the long road;
  • Hit the left hoof - the execution of the mandated;
  • Hits the right hoof - will turn, but not immediately;
  • The horse is registered - this commemoration to a great good.

Closer to midnight, put on white clothes, take a lit lady or candle. Barefoot go out on the field and pick out the flower from the ground, which you like more than others. Be sure to root, he will tell what the fiance will be:

  • If a long root, then the narrowed will be slim and high;
  • Short root - the groom will be low growth;
  • Swirling - to a false patron;
  • Smooth root - a decent husband;
  • If the root is easily frightened in any direction, then the favorite will be stubborn;
  • When the plant has a soft root - the groom compliant;
  • If a lot of land around the root, wait for the rich.

And in the old days they walked at the Kupali campfire. Divide the big bonfire as you can. If the bonfire to the girl, who jumps through him, will not touch, then it promises a good marriage, to a guy - luck is destined to work. From the evening they prepared birch firewood, laying in the fire. They burned closer to midnight, asked their question three times when the flame flared up. Apply to the fire itself, watching him:

  • If the fire is smooth, with a crash of firewood - life will be interesting, with love adventures, adventures, wedding;
  • If the flames turned out bright red - wait for a stormy family life;
  • Weak, dim flame promises a boring future, sadness;
  • If the flame is yellowish-orange - fortunately.

Collect 12 different herbs and colors, be sure to reach the thistle and fern. Hide the bunch under the pillow and come to sleep in bed: "The narrowed groom come to my garden to walk, show yourself!" And go to bed - your beloved will come in a dream.

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