Provence Wedding

Provence Wedding

Wedding style Provence blows rustic calm, quiet happiness and simplicity. Preparing for the holiday is easy. The main thing is that it should inspire - an idea of \u200b\u200bhuge vineyards, luxurious lavender fields, fresh air and spacious. It will help to embody all the ideas in reality natural fabrics, restrained colors, vintage things, forged or wicker furniture, French cuisine and the smell of flowers. Warm season - the perfect season for the celebration! Consider all the features of the organization of the wedding in the style of Provence in details.

Colors at Provence Wedding

Preference should be given to gentle, calm and pastel colors. For example, pale pink, blue, beige. And in order to give bright accents, add lilac and purple alternately.

Vestical Wedding Place

Since Provence Province is associated with endless fields and clean air, the exit ceremony in nature will become relevant. You can remove the beautiful house with a terrace, estate or summer platform in a cafe. Very original will look at the procession in large gardens or tent. To match the chosen topics, use the borders of grapes, lavender or any wildflowers in the decor. Decorate them arches, tables, chairs, spread the petals along the carpet for the bride. If the exit ceremony in nature does not work, then select a restaurant under ancient, with plenty of wood, light ceilings and walls. Spacious and airiness will also provide high ceilings and large windows.

Car for young in style Provence

Fully match the selected style can be a wagon with horses or retro car. If you find this option does not work, then select a modern vehicle, but decorate it with alive flowers, ribbons. At the end of the holiday, you can go by car with the inscription "Just Married" and having fun links from the back of drinks from under drinks.

Wedding dishes in the style of Provence

French cuisine is rich in unusual and original dishes. It should be accurately present on the table wine as a symbol of Provence. But dishes choose with cheeses, spices, baked vegetables, with truffles and others. Instead of traditional cones or gingerbread, give preference to festive cupcakes. Do not forget about berries and fruits, there must be a lot on the table.

Outfits of the bride and groom in the style of Provence

The image of the bride and the bride should be in general style: sophisticated, gentle, air, soaring. For the young choose long dresses with a fitted silhouette of weightless fabrics. Extended with the finest patterns or pearls, it seems to boil over the ground. As for colors, the preference is also worth paying pastel colors. Leave your hair away, but instead of Fata, choose a wreath of wildflowers. Or whipping braids with hairpins under ancient, pearls, crests. Makeup must be as close as possible to the natural. As for the groom, there are no special requirements here. Usually choose a classic suit with a white or beige shirt. Pretty original in the photos are looking at sunshine sleeves, pants, straw hat and slippers. It is such small details that emphasize the rustic style and create the right image.

Wedding in the style of Provence, with all its restraint, will certainly remain a bright and unforgettable event in the life of a young family. Correctly pickup decor, venue, outfits and, most importantly, the mood, you can be confident - guests will also be delighted! After all, it is not entirely possible to press in such a beautiful and unusual celebration.

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