Tiffany Wedding

Tiffany Wedding

Most recently, young and did not think that you could move away from traditional colors and make an unusual wedding. Today, organizing a holiday in any style is considered not only a completely ordinary solution, but also always causes admiration. One of the most popular design options, many recognized Tiffany style. Taking the film "Breakfast at Tiffany", you can create a magical holiday in white and blue tones. What is needed for that?

Invitation - Little Intrigue before the big holiday

The wedding invitation is made in the form of a postcard. They must also be made in Tiffany style. The key two colors are white and blue. Since here you can add shades of retro, then ruffles will be quite relevant on postcards, bows of ribbons, knurled paper. You can create them both independently and order from professional designers.

Decoration of the Tiffany banquet hall - the task is not simple

To decorate a banquet hall to fully reflect your choice, it is not easy due to the lack of necessary elements for the decor. It will take a lot of cloth in key colors, table decoration with white pearls, napkins, bright colors in tone, boxes. Prefer restaurants with high ceilings, light rooms. Ideally, there should be crystal chandeliers, beautifully hanging from the ceiling, lungs, air curtains and large mirrors. Without the help of florists, just can not do. They will help to decorate the room with fresh flowers. Of course, ideally, it should be orchids, but even white and blue asters, flower trees branches will give an indescribable feeling of the holiday. If finance allows you, you can add a common picture by special chic - small caners in white cells.

Highlights of the festive menu - Sweet table

Of course, to prepare the treats themselves do not have to. But come up with them for confectioners in accordance with the style - this is for you. The most important attention is the cake. Externally, it must resemble folded boxes of a square or round shape. White glaze decorates blue in the form of ribbons. A chocolate is allowed for a sweet table to standard colors. So that the setting looked bright and attractive, put big glasses with dragee, order cakes and cupcakes.

The main culprits of the celebration should also be in style!

The bride and groom will be the center of attention, so they, like no other, must be dressed in accordance with the selected direction. For a girl, individual elements in clothing will be relevant: flowers, belt, ribbons, gloves, brooch, etc. You can pick up turquoise shoes. For the groom, pick up either all the outfit in key colors, or also separate items (tie, boutonniere). And so that the groom with the bride look in the most advantageous color, the friendships stand brightly. They will become like a squeezing background, helping to spend a photo session at the highest level. Offer and guests to support the idea, dressed in key colors. If there is no such possibility, then just take care that they have at least small elements that symbolize the overall mood. It can be a dressing of colors on hand, traditional flowers on pins for dresses and costumes, for all men - identical ties, and for women - hair decorations.

Little Recreation Tips

The bride will be simply awesome beautiful with hairstyle from Tiffany. The hair twisted in the shell look elegant and sophisticated. And in order to fully pass the image of the main character, take a thin long-length mouthpiece with a cigar for a photo shoot.

Tiffany's wedding is an exquisite holiday, filled with joy and beauty in every detail. But do not be afraid to move away at least a little from the standards. And let your wedding be the best, and the memories are bright and unforgettable!

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