Ivanova Night is a very important and revered day for the eastern Slavs. For centuries, the Kupali holiday was packed in nature, was committed in honor of the God of the Sun and his spouse of the dawls.
Before moving on a new style, the Kupali day was celebrated on the days of the summer solstice, which fell on June 20-26. A single cycle of the celebration included Ivanov's day, the day of the campaigns, which was celebrated on July 6, and Petrov Day, which accounted for July 12.
The significance of the Kupaal holiday was in the date - it is the line, separating two periods of the solar cycle. At that time, the peak of the bloom of nature was observed, the Sun in Zenith, therefore, was distinguished by the highest activity. After that day, the sun "was shifted" the sun. At the same time, the night became longer, day, on the contrary, in short.
However, the Kupali holiday, like the shints, was considered very "dangerous." According to the ancient legends, at this time they cope their witch ball, mermaids, delices, hoists and other other other powers. In the eyes of the peasants, the most terrible holiday was a holiday - a Kupalskaya night, when the fire, water and herbs acquired the healing properties.
The image of the "leaving" of the Sun is associated with the John the pretext of the Baptist, so after the adoption of Christianity the holiday coincides with His Merry Christmas. And the name is connected with its second name - the bathhouse. Nowadays, the holiday of Ivan Kupala is celebrated on July 7, and if more precisely, it is on the night of 6 to 7.
In Kupalskaya tradition, the theme of fire, which cleans the "flesh and spirit", is distinguished by an unclean force, removes the evil eye and damage. Ancient times are not forgotten by the rituals of fire places on the banks of the river, the extraction of fire with a dry tree, burning of the patients. Dancing drove around them, jumped through the flame. It is believed who will jump above - will be the happiest.
From the ancients, it is believed that water acquires greater miraculous power in the Kupali holiday. Rites associated with water were carried out at dawn or at night. People bathed in the reservoirs, washed the morning dew, washed in the baths. The refusal to swim was accused of witchcraft.
In Kupalskaya night, the characteristics collect healing herbs and roots, repaired for a year, rituals are carried out. It was believed that the magic had a flight-grass, which begins to flourish: it can be transferred for thirty lands. And the degeneracy-grass, assembled at midnight, protects against enemies. The juice squeezed from the Ivan-Da-Marya flower ran into the night, returns the rumor, the flowers are protected from the thief. Large power from the unclean is wormwood, which is worn on the belt and hang in the house. Also in the bathing night it is customary to harvest brooms for the bath. People are everywhere squeezed by bandages made of flowers. Girls put on the head of a wreath of grass.
The traditional act is called the search for the colors of the fern, which was heard by a witchcraft plant. For popular beliefs, they are able to fulfill any desires and show where the treasure is hidden.
Kupali holiday in the countries of the world and in Russia are celebrated in different days. For example, in Europe, namely in Finland, it is celebrated on the old style - from June 21 to 22.