What are there states

What are there states

The state is a peculiar organization of political power, in which public interest are facilitated on a certain territory. There are several types of states that perform certain functions.

Each type of state owns its methods to preserve, maintain the rule of law, public traditions, sovereignty in its own territory. In addition, each state has an established procedure for relationships between different objects (citizens, organizations, government institutions).

In the form of the board (method of organizing power), states are divided into republics, monarchies. In the monarchy, power belongs to the only ruler, it is inherited (regardless of the desire of citizens). The monarchy can be absolute, constitutional. In the case of an absolute monarchy, the power of the state is non-limited (for example, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman).

In the constitutional monarchy, the law limits the authorities of the head of state. The constitutional monarchy is divided into parliamentary, dualistic. In the first case, the head of state performs executive functions, and the head of the supreme power is the Prime Minister (United Kingdom, Denmark, Australia). With the dualistic monarchy, the head of state belongs to the entire executive (Kuwait, Morocco, UAE, Norway, Spain).

3 Norway

The source of power in the republic is the folk society, and the highest authorities are created by law. Republics are the following types:

  • Presidential (president is the head of state, makes draft laws in Parliament, forms the government and coordinates the relationship between the branches of power) - the United States, Argentina. In the figure, they are highlighted in blue, green.
  • Parliamentary (power is formed by the parties that are liable to parliament; the president is elected by the Parliament, has the right to dissolve him; legislative, the executive power is near Parliament) - Germany, United Kingdom. Marked orange.
  • Semoupresident (mixed type; divided into presidential-parliamentary, parliamentary and presidential republics) - France, Finland. Marked yellow.

In the form of the state system (territorial education of the state-owned), a unitary state is allocated, the Confederation, the Federation. In the unitary state, the degree of influence of the central government is quite high throughout the country (citizenship, constitution, higher authorities - all one). In the framework of the state there are no individual territorial administrative units with sovereignty (individual public entities). Such states are considered to be United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, France (highlighted in blue in the picture).

The Federation is a complex union state, it consists of individual state sovereign formations. Each of them can have its own authorities, the Constitution, etc. An example of the federation is the USA, Brazil, Germany, Canada, Russia (highlighted in the picture with green).

The Confederation is the Union of several sovereign states, which is created for some purposes. This form of the state system does not have sovereignty, the Allied bodies control only the activities of States on issues, for the sake of which the confederation was created. As an example, you can bring the EU.

If you approach the forms of the state from a political point of view, you can allocate democratic (US, Sweden) and non-democratic regime (Cuba, DPRK). In the first case, citizens take an active part in the organization of the state-owned, and in the second, the power focuses in the hands of a collegial body or a single person.

As for Russia, this is a federation that has the republican form of government.

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