Congratulations on September 1

Congratulations on September 1

The beginning of the autumn marked an important event - the beginning of the new school year. On this day, schoolchildren, parents and teachers meet after a long summer vacation to congratulate each other with the beginning of the new school year. I would like to sincerely wish everyone success in school, and further this phrase at a touching moment is rarely someone from the parents can say something else. In order not to put yourself in an awkward position, let us be practicing in advance to congratulate everyone who is involved in the beginning of the new school year with this important event.

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

It turns out that this holiday is not so old as many people think. September 1 was officially recognized as the Day of Knowledge since the Soviet Union in 1984. Since then, the whole 32 years have passed, but this tradition has not lost its popularity to celebrate this holiday and congratulate each other from September 1.

  • If you want your congratulation to be special and not repeated, think about doing this you can not in poetic form, but in prose. That is, with its simple words to wish students and teachers of good luck in their studies. Your congratulation may be like this: " Dear students and teachers! Sincerely, I wish you from the bottom of my heart so that in the new school year, knowledge is easy, so that you, tanned and rested, the granite of science with a new force will be "gnawing". Successes to you, dear students in school, and to you, teachers, I wish for excerpts, patience, only good estimates and grateful students!
  • If you need to prepare a congratulation for those who came to learn for the first time - these are first-graders and freshmen of universities, then you need to start so: " As for students, and for parents, September 1 is a new life stage. On this day you enter a new life. So let it be interesting, clean and light. Let every day give you new knowledge. Let never be a reason for sadness in your life. So that at school always sounded a wicked laughter, you were full of joy and strength. Lungs to you control, only good estimates, let the lessons will be interesting, teachers - good, school friends - loyal!»
  • Another interesting congratulation option: " Dear guys, I sincerely want to congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year. I remember my school years well - these were the best moments of my life, filled with new knowledge and discoveries, as well as new acquaintances. Every day is a small life episode. You will have to take sometimes important decisions, together with friends to overcome difficulties. The school gives not only a huge luggage of knowledge that you will use in life, but also a big life lesson, so let school years remember you for life, let them be lighters, only the good assessments you want and wish every of you find your Road in life. Happy holiday you, from September 1!»

Congratulations on September 1 to the teacher

"Dear teachers (or expensive teacher)! Today, all congratulations sound only the day you, because this day is September 1, the day of the new school year and the day of knowledge - we consider you a starry hour for you. This is a good opportunity to educate the younger generation. So let your patience do not dry, always in excess will be good, spiritual wisdom to you and warmth, let the profession you choose will be in joy, and not in a burden and brings only satisfaction. This is a huge titanic work, we trust you the most valuable - our children. Successes to you, forces and diligent disciples. Happy holiday! "

And one more thing: "And the first call rang again, thousands of guys will again sit for school desks. A lot of teachers depends on a lot, so we wish you to find a common language with students, give them their knowledge of knowledge, and that every working day brings you only positive emotions. Happy first day of autumn, from September 1, Happy Knowledge Day! "

Congratulations on September 1 in poetic form

You can also congratulate students in poetic form.

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