Orthodox calendar for 2019

Orthodox calendar for 2019

The Orthodox calendar is not just a calendar with 12 months. In such a calendar, all holidays, large and small, posts are multi-day and one-day, which can be in the post and in the passenger week, which saint wears every day of the week. Get acquainted closer with the Orthodox calendar.

Orthodox calendar 2019 - a general acquaintance

If you look at the Orthodox Calendar of 2019, then almost half of the year (172 days) falls on benchmarks, which can not be meat, dairy and eggs, in some cases and fish.

A special place is given in Orthodoxy holidays. The most important holiday is Easter. Date it changes every year, in 2019 on April 28. Then there are two-month and great holidays. In addition to these holidays, there are small holidays. Previously, when the churches were at the head of state, it was not allowed to work on holidays, and all, and big, and small from the family went to the church to pray. In addition to holidays, this afternoon, when it is impossible to work, but only to pray in the church was Sunday.

Orthodox calendar 2019 - Easter and two-month holidays

Easter Installed in honor of the Muk of Jesus Christ, who was tortured and risen on the 3rd day. Easter is the main holiday from the Orthodox. Some other holidays are tied to it. Challenges over the lunar sun calendar, in 2019 on April 28.

The two-month holidays - they are 12:

  • Christmas Jesus (January 7) - On this day, the Virgin Mary and Joseph was born a little boy called Jesus.
  • Epiphany (January 19), the holiday was adopted in honor of the Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan John the Baptist, when Jesus turned 30 years old.
  • Presentation of the Lord (February 15) - Meeting in the Temple of the Baby of Jesus with an ancient elder Simeon, who had lived 360 years old and long waiting for the appearance of Christ.
  • Annunciation (April 7). On this day, Angel announced the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God.
  • Entry into Jerusalem (The 21st of April). The last days of Jesus' earthly life, it is included in the sign of peace, on a donkey into Jerusalem. Rumors about healing the infirm Christ has gathered a lot of people, who greeted him with palm branches.
  • Ascension Day (6 June), on the 40th day after the death of the ascension of the Spirit of Christ to heaven.
  • The Holy Trinity (16 June) - a celebration of the Holy Father, the Son and the Spirit. Holy Father - God, his son - Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit descended on the people on the day when Christ rose after suffering and death.
  • Transfiguration (August 19), there is always the day. The history of the festival is as follows: Jesus and his disciples prayed on Mount Tabor, the disciples fell asleep and when awake, they saw how Jesus talks to his Father - God.
  • Assumption (August 28). On this day the Virgin Mary died, and just like her son, ascended to heaven.
  • Nativity of the Virgin (September 21st). On this day in Nazareth, the son of Joachim and Anna, was born a girl, named Mary, the future mother of Christ.
  • Exaltation (September 27). The holiday is connected with the return of the cross of Jesus Christ to the place of the Persian king who conquered it, during the war in the territory.
  • Introduction to the temple of the Virgin (4 December). When Mary was 3 years old, his parents took her to the temple and left there.

Orthodox Calendar 2019 - great holidays

  • circumcision of the Lord (14 January). On this day the Virgin Mary took the infant circumcision, and was named the name of Jesus.
  • Nativity of John the Baptist (July 7). Born this day a favorite disciple of Jesus - John the Baptist, the preacher of Christianity and a prophet who saw the Son of God in Jesus.
  • Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul (July, 12). On this day, he was put to death for the Christian faith closest disciples of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Peter was crucified on the cross, but Paul was beheaded.
  • The Beheading of John the Baptist's head (11 September). On this day, for his prophetic teachings of John the Baptist was beheaded by King Herod (before baptizing Jesus, he was called John the Baptist).
  • Protection of the Virgin (October 14). On this day, the Blessed Virgin Mary, appearing in the temple of the holy Andrew of Constantinople, took from the people and protected him her veil, from the invasion of foreign troops.

Orthodox calendar 2019 - the posts

Fasting - a ban not only on meat and dairy foods, it is also a spiritual cleansing. Proper Fast - reading daily prayers at home and in the church, eating 1 per day - on ordinary days and on Sunday and on holidays - 2 times.

The post can not be:

  • Swear
  • To gossip
  • Lie others
  • Drink alcohol and walk
  • Quarrel with someone

A year is 4 multi-day postsAnd each of them is derochable. In addition, on Wednesdays and Fridays, when there is no multi-day post, it is observed one-day post The exception is only solid weeks - you can eat a rapid every day.

Before Easter post is called Great. It lasts 7 weeks. In this post, you need to remember Jesus Christ, and those torments that he suffered for the sake of humanity. This is the most strict post, begins on March 11 and will last until April 27th. On the first Monday post and the penultimate day of the post (passionate Friday) it is impossible to eat anything and drink whole days. Throughout the post, there is boiled or raw vegetable food, on Wednesday and Friday, as well as the 1st and the last week - without vegetable oil, other days with butter. Fish can be 2 days: for the Annunciation (April 7) and Palm Sunday (April 21).

Petrov post It will start on June 24 and will last until July 11. Every year lasts different times (from 8 days to 42). The post is adopted in honor of the Apostles Peter and Paul, who fasted. This is not a strict post, you can eat fish all the days except Wednesday and Friday.

Assumption post Start on August 14 and will last until August 27. The post is established as a sign of the death of Christ's Mother of the Most Holy Virgin, who died on August 28 (the holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary). This is a strict post without fish.

Christmas post It will begin on November 28 and will last until January 6. The post is adopted in honor of the christmas Jesus Christ. By rigor, it is divided into 3 parts:

  • Until December 19, the post is not strict, except for the medium and Friday you can eat fish.
  • After the celebration of St. Nicholas, there is no Saturday and Sunday.
  • The last week is strict - you can only eat vegetable food without oil, and only on Saturday and Sunday with a closet butter.

After the post, it is important to get out of it without loss for health: there is a little bit, especially fried and oily food, not to use a lot of spices and alcohol.

So, the Orthodox calendar consists of festive, weekends and working days, and in turn, all days, during the year, are divided into days when you need to observe the post and when you can eat free food.

Video: Orthodox Easter calendar from 2017 to 2027

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