How to prepare for confession and communion?

How to prepare for confession and communion?

Church sacraments are holy people, through which a person is given to the grace of the Holy Spirit. In Orthodoxy, seven church sacraments are installed. In this article we will talk to how to prepare for confession and communion.

Why do you need to confess?

Through the holy sacraments, in particular through the confession, the Lord concerns our soul, healing it. God created a person perfect, and sin destroys it. A confession of a man approaching God and gets spiritual health. The Lord treats his soul.

What is the role of a priest?

A man is in front of God, the role of the priest - "Witness", without which the confession is impossible. Jesus Christ commanded his apostles "let go of sins", from the apostles bishops and priests accepted this right. They help a person choose the right decisions, overcome fear and have a spiritual support.

Why sometimes people are afraid of confession?

Sin brings in our heart fear and shame, so often confession is a difficult step, because you need to recognize your guilt. The unpretentiousness of a person repent of the fact that he may not confess. You can never forget that God is merciful and when a person falls, he is ready to help him rise. After confession comes relief. It is necessary to overcome your fear, uncertainty and understand that without the help of God only we can change.

How often do you need to confess?

The frequency of confession depends on our lives, from how we behave. If it happened to make some serious sin, then you need to immediately go to the Lord and apologize. Good practice confess once a month, making an analysis of its spiritual state.

What sins the priest does not let go?

There are no sins that the priest cannot let go of God. However, there is an important condition for confession - a comprehensive repentance, the desire to change your life. If a person, having come to confession, does not want to repent, refuses to correct the harm caused by sin, accuses others in his sins, then the priest can "not resolve" such a sin. We or want to live in God's laws in love and kindness, or prefer life in sin. Choice for man himself.

Preparation for confession, drawing up a list of their sins

Before the beginning of the confession, you can mentally pray that God helps recall the forelegations and gave sincere repentance. It will be useful to read special literature: "To help you enter", "Chin Orthodox confession", etc. In order not to be confused before the priest, it will be appropriate to write your sins.

If you still forgot about something to say, then you should not go back and once again go to confession, remember this sin next time. Sometimes a priest himself can ask a question that will help more accurately comprehend some sin. Remember that confession is not an exam before the priest, but treatment.

What does the Communion (Eucharist) mean?

The first communion committed the Lord himself at the secret evening and told the apostles: "Who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has the eternal life, I resurrect on the last day" (John 6, 53-56). On the liturgy, we are becoming accomplished in this evening and under the guise of bread and wine are taken by the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Through this sacrament, believers get hope for eternal life.

Preparation for the Holy Communion

Cooking for communion lasts for several days (at least three days) and concerns both the body and spiritual life of a person.

  • Body preparation (post) - restrictions in food and abstinence from physical pleasures (sex life). During the days of the posts are excluded from the diet all products of animal origin. Food is used only in moderate quantity. Various entertainment should also be avoided.
  • Spiritual preparations for communion consists of prayer, visiting worship services and reflections on their own sins. During cooking days, it is necessary to thoroughly and thoughtfully praying in the morning and in the evening.
  • On the eve of the communion, it is necessary to be in the evening service and read the houses a special prayer rule (there is in prayer), which spiritually prepares for communion.
  • After midnight, you can not eat food, drink, smoking, to take the holy gifts of the body and blood of the Savior on an empty stomach.
  • At the evening or morning worship, a party must repent in his sins in the sacrament of confession. After receiving the blessing of the confessor to the Communion, you can approach the bowl.

Features of children's communion

The above preparation for the holy communion concerns only adult partakers. Children who have not reached 7 years are commued without confession and without any preparation. But if the child is already aware of his actions, then, at its own desire, she can prepare for the communion of lightweight post and reading with the parents of several prayers in front of the Holy Communion.

How often do you need to communion?

A person who leads Christian life understands that without communion it is impossible to get the life of eternal. He knows that the sacrament must be approached after careful preparation. It is not always easy, so many believers are increeding extremely rare.

But in order not to disappear from the Church, it is necessary to pass at least once a year. The church instructs that it is necessary to pass at least five times a year: one time during multi-day posts, as well as on the day of his guardian angel.

You can not pass "for the check mark" to perform the "normal". The sacraments of confession and communion should be for an Orthodox Christian need, without which it is impossible to live, it should be a conscious decision, sincere desire and vital necessity. As our body needs the energy that we get from food, the same and our soul, our invisible creature, needs food spiritual, which we get, confess and communion of the Holy Holy Tyne.\u003d_8_Tepzqhrk.

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