What is Halal?

What is Halal?

You saw on the shelves stores with a note "Halal" and did not give it much importance. Some people consider this strange note by the company's trademark. Others think products are designed for diabetics. But you wonder what Halal is and try to figure it out.

What is Halal - the meaning of the word

The word "halal" from the Arabic language is translated as "freedom" or "permitting". In Muslims, it applies not only to products that are allowed to be used according to the laws of Sharia. The extensive list of the term "Halal" includes both personal care, and outfits, and entertainment and everything that is directly connected with human life. In general, this term approves a particular product, a thing or action from the point of view of Islam. Outside the Arab world, the concept often concerns food.

What products use Muslims?

The list of products "Halal", allowed to Muslims, the following:

  • River and marine fish. It must be covered with scales, have fins, and not to be deceased. Mollusks and crustaceans Therefore, they do not belong to pervolled food;
  • All products that are not included in the category "Haram", which are forbidden to Muslims for use;
  • Dairy products and milk. But forbidden components, which are obtained during the cooking of animal bones or fat, should not be present in dairy products.
  • Berries, fruits, vegetables, puree, salads and juices of them;
  • Drinks without alcohol. The list includes non-alcoholic beer, it is allowed to drink some kvass;
  • Margarine on vegetable fats;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Soy, beans;
  • Nuts and cereals;
  • Ice cream;
  • Cheeses;
  • Halarial meat;
  • Sweets without alcohol in their composition. Exception - sweets in which there is pure alcohol, and cognac and the like;
  • Saransch. All other insects belong to Haram, and locust Muslims fry.

Quran prohibits drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as smoking. Muslim, strong grape wine can drink, if it was done by Orthodox.

Talk about meat

About the "hally" meat is worth talking separately. Muslims are forbidden to use:

  • Pork;
  • Meat with blood;
  • Meat of animals that died from injury, illness or choking;
  • Meat of animals scored not on Islamic traditions.

Muslims do not kill animals without reading a special prayer. Then immediately cut the carotid artery. After with a carcass completely stalk blood, proceed to its cutting. Nerves and tendons are removed. During cooking meat, meat is first sealed, then rinsed well under water to completely get rid of blood residues. It makes delicious sausages, sausage and different semi-finished products. On the products there is a sign "Halal" and it means that they are prepared in compliance with all the rules. There are no harmful components in this food, and blood removal cleans meat and makes it useful.

Is it possible to eat such food orthodox?

In addition to the gastronomic area, cosmetics, clothing, perfumery and much more belong to the goods "Halal". Purchases under this sign give the opportunity to feel that it enters the laws of Islam. To obtain the title "Halal", you need to undergo a compliance procedure and obtain a special certificate. There are no harmful additives in any products.

Orthodox Christian need to know that this is food and goods from another religion. In the Christian Mosque, the most like food is forbidden to buy. You can eat "Halal" food in such cases:

  • If you do not have the opportunity to buy other products;
  • If you are visiting hospitable Muslim.

Before use, read the Orthodox prayer and cross the dish. Then, without embarrassment and fear, proceed to the meal.

For Muslims, Halal is a way of life. And the Europeans loved products with this labeling for its high quality and because of the desire for a healthy lifestyle.


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