What is needed for baptism

What is needed for baptism

Baptism is an important point in life, since a person is tortured from the unclean strength and acquires the guardian angel. Do not everyone know that it is necessary for this rite, so we suggest familiarizing yourself with the necessary things.

What you need for baptism - a native cross

To make a rite of baptism, you definitely need a native cross. Any suitable, but it is desirable that he is from silver. The cross can be bought both in the church and in jewelry stores. When buying in the store, you should transfer it to the father to consecrate it before ritual. By tradition, the cross buys the child's child.

What is needed for baptism - hryonma

Kryzhma - has a view of a towel or diaper, which is wrapped in a child, taking it out of the font. The kryzhma is stored at the parents for a long time and it is believed that it is endowed with healing properties. The godmother acquires to the christening to the christening.

What you need for baptism - godparents

A rather responsible step is the choice of godparents. It should be your relatives or good friends who can continue to instill love for the Church. The godfather is the spiritual parents of the child. It is forbidden to take a cross pair consisting of a marriage or intimate relationship. Laying among your surroundings of good, responsible and responsive people, on which your child will be equal.

What you need for baptism - Church selection

In this matter, focus on the fact that you are more important to: the proximity of finding the church to the house, the choice of a certain priest, the conditions in the baptismal room.

What you need for baptism - minor attributes

Prepare a certain amount for the purchase of candles, evidence of baptism, baptismal clothing, icons and other small attributes. Most churches take a fixed amount for christening or asking to sacrifice the temple. When choosing baptizing clothes, it is preferable to stop on the natural fabric without a picture. There is a good selection of baptismal shoes. The main thing is that they do not have pictures with animals and fabulous characters.

Before baptism, we recommend to go to the church you choose and ask for a list of necessary things for baptism, because in some churches they may differ slightly. The priest will spend a conversation with you, and will also help to decide on the date of the Captain and will answer your questions.

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