How baptism passes

How baptism passes

The baptism of the child is a responsible period in the life and baby, and his parents. If only its presence is required in church ritual from the baby, the baptism for an adult is a significant event in life. Not everyone was baptized in childhood, but it's never too late to become a full member of the church.

How baptism passes - preparing for a child

For children it will be necessary:

  • Shirt for baptism. You can replace it with a white dress. The girl will need a cape;
  • Kryzhma. It is a white towel or a pure light of light fabric;
  • Cross. Buy in the temple or in the store. Shop Captive Batyushka will sanctify;
  • Church candles. They will need for the sacrament.

Choose the godfather and the gentle for the baby. It is desirable that these people be believers or at least had the concept of the sacrament.

How baptism passes - preparation for adult

For adults will need:

  • Women. Prepare a long modest dress, it is recommended to choose white clothes. Do not forget about Kosynka, women can not go to the temple without a scarker and hold baptism during menstruation. Note that the cloth's cloth wets in water and can shine. In order not to feel embarrassed, wear a swimsuit instead of linen.
  • Men. Prepare a white shirt and classic dark pants.

Discuss all the nuances about clothes with a father. An adult christmas shirt may be required. Also, men and women should be cooked open sneakers and a cross, take a towel with you. Before the beginning of the ceremony, buy church candles for people accompanying you and donated.

How does the baptism of children

The sacrament leaves from forty minutes to 1.5 hours, it all depends on the number of children. The ceremony is carried out either in the temple, or in a separate room with a font. The godfall approaches the font with a wicked baby wrapped in a hryon. Further process:

  • The godfather stand with a gym and with candles in his right hand near the font. The girl usually keeps the godfather on his hands, and the boy is the godfather;
  • The priest with cadyl and prayers bypasses the font;
  • The godparents repeat all the words they say to them. They read the "symbol of faith," three times they repeated from evil forces and promise to adhere to all commandments of the Lord;
  • The priest hurts the water and gives a baby three times in a font prayer. In some cases, the father is kropyt kid head with water;
  • The priest puts the baptismal cross, and the godfather is a shirt. In humility, Lord Batyushka litters the kid to the toddler with a cross. The kid is numbered by the church name;
  • With the child on the hands of the godfather three times bypass around the font. The girl is then brought to the icon of the mother of God near the altar, and the boy priest enters the altar.

After baptism, the father holds a ceremony of the baby. Then the communion is carried out. Parents receive evidence of baptism, which will be recorded in a special church book.

How is the baptism of adults

The first stage is a conversation with a father. Consciously come to the sacrament and understand that your life should change for the better. You must tell Batyushka, which led you to the church and why you want to become baptized. Let's learn the prayers of "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith" and "Virgin Delo, Rejoice." You will have to fast at least a month before the sacrament and do not participate in fun parties. Make yourself with everyone, with whom they were in a quarrel.

Adult baptism process:

  • Batyushka chooses church name. You will receive the Heavenly Patron - Holy, whose name you will be discarded;
  • The priest holds a prayer. He blows to you three times, blesses three times and reads prayers;
  • The believer is tortured from serving evil spirits. Reply to all the words of the priest and read the "Symbol of Faith";
  • The sacrament begins. The priest hurts the water in the fonts and firings and conducts the world of growing the believer, and then a person is sinking three times in the font. If there is a godfather - they are standing next to candles. But you can adults to be baptized without them. You are put on the cross, and you come around the font three times with the father.

Baptism is a purification for an adult from old sins and the beginning of a new life. Life of baptized, regardless of his age, now forever is connected with God.

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