Ramadan is a post, a month, when Muslims refrain from making food and water in a bright time of day. This is the time to purify the soul and body. During this period, the followers of Islam are carried out in prayers, make good deeds, dedicate themselves to virtuous thoughts, are renounced from all worldly. The spirit should triumph over the needs of the body, faith is strengthened, the relationship between people becomes better and cleaner.
Do I need to congratulate Ramadan?
Ramadan is a very important time in the life of Muslims, so it is customary to congratulate him. How to do it? You can do this in an absolutely any day post, however, the most relevant greetings are the congratulations that are coming to the beginning and completion of the post. At the beginning, you can wish to successfully pass the post, and at the end to congratulate with its successful completion. In order to congratulate Muslim with Ramadan, it is enough to pronounce "Mubarak". This means "blessed holiday". Or words can be more specific and accurate "Ramadan Mubarak", which can be interpreted as "Congratulations on the onset of the month of Ramadan."
What can I wish? Health, mutual understanding, spirit of spirit and faith, successfully pass and complete the post, to hold it righteously, so that Allah heard the ascended prayers.
What can you give to Ramadan to men?
Actual gifts for Ramadan at all times was the Quran. Options can be different: colorful gift edition, casual option, recording the text of the Koran on the disk.
An excellent gift will be accessories for prayer: it can be a special carpet, clothes, a stand for the Quran, a compass to determine the parties to the Light so that Muslim knows exactly where Mecca is located, what to make Namaz in the right side of the world.
It can also be any appropriate attribute: paintings or posters with a picture of famous mosques, a picture in a frame and a sparkle from the Quran, a bookmark for the Quran.
What gives Ramadan to women?
Girls will delight Quran, Hijab, beautiful scarves, decorations. An excellent gift will be special clothes for prayers and visits to the mosque. Also, women will be pleased to get a gift to beautiful decorations, oriental perfume, the picture of Islamic themes. And of course, East Sweets will always delight. They can be used in Ramadan before sunrise and after sunset.
And remember, if you decide to congratulate the family with the month of Ramadan, then you need to carry gifts to everyone without exception to its members, including the most young. For kids, you can choose as a gift, for example, illustrated by the Koran, or the suspension in the form of Islamic symbolism on the chain.