Christ is resurrected - how to write?

Christ is resurrected - how to write?

In fact, this question is asked more often than you can imagine. The fact is that there are a lot of opinions about this very much and today we will understand how it is still correct to write Christ and Christ is risen, with a large or small letter.

Writing by faith

Vera and religion are very complex, structural topics. In which a million unsolved issues that no one can give answers to. Also a lot of questions that are too many controversial answers and find the truth is extremely difficult.

The main problem of any religion is the absence of a single "Scripture", the law, rules. Despite the fact that in Christianity there is a Bible, in Islam - Quran, all interpret various rules, traditions in different ways.

Among other things, a lot depends on the terrain. It is not even necessary to go far, in different cities, the same Christian holiday is celebrated in different cities, but at the same time a bunch of nuances that do not coincide at all, and sometimes even contradict. Let's specifically talk about the phrase, so to say greetings to a big Christian holiday - Easter.

We write correct

So, let's talk on the topic correctly writing a greeting for Easter:

  • "Christ is risks" - an excellent writing of the welcome under consideration. The name is written with a capital letter - it is logical, "Risen" is also written with the title, thereby let us understand how important this greeting is for us.
  • "Christ is risen" - in this case, everything is also logical, the name with a big, verb with a little on all the rules of the Russian language.
  • "Christ is resurrected" - to attribute to the word End "E" is a very ancient tradition, so write the greeting under consideration will thus not be considered a mistake.

Philologists argue that the correct option is to write an expression so that the name of Christ is written with a capital letter, and "Risen" with a small one, and allowed and "Risen". No matter how you wrote, it is unlikely that you will be complaints about this.

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