How to do the ablution

How to do the ablution

It is important not only to make daily prayers in the right order, but before each of them learn to do Taharat. It is several types of ablution, which is obliged to do every believer. Look more about what Taharat consists in this article.

How to do the ablution - what is the external Taharat

There are two main types of ablution:

  • Small ablution - Voodoo.
  • Full or big ablution - Gusul.

In addition to them, there are such duties: brushing teeth, washing all clothes and shoes, permissible dry ablution with stone or land, arms.

A small ablution is performed before prayer, there are special cases for complete, which will be told later.

How to make small ablution

The believer should have the intention to cleanse the sins and be morally clean, without this thought in the head you just wash away, and do not commit a ritual. First, calm down and give thoughts in order, let us make a desire to make Taharat, usually it is done out loud by the words "Bisiml Lyah Raachmani Raahim", which is considered a request for this ritual.

  • Now start a small ablution with what we wash your hands. First right and only then left. Be sure to rinse all places, even if you have rings and bracelets. Remove them either move from place to place. Wash everything hands, including wrists.
  • Right hand draw water and rinse your mouth three times.
  • Rinse the sinuses of the nose three times, you also need to score water, but to high and wipe your nose.
  • Three times well wash your face with both hands.
  • Wash your hands again, but now to the elbow. First, the right hand washes.
  • Operate hair, at least a quarter of the head. It is done with wet hands.
  • Now rinse your ears: and inside, and outside. After that wash your hands.
  • Need to wipe the neck.
  • Put the water with water under your feet. Omoste first the right leg, then - left. Do not forget about the area between your fingers and ankle. To finish washing every leg follows the little finger.

It is allowed to moisten the water with a cloth, only after that you can proceed to prayer.

How to do full ablution

This rite is performed only after various desecrations, for example, before the post or campaign in the mosque, after childbirth in women or illness.

This type of ablution includes small ablutions and a few more actions:

  • First you need to wash your hands and all the places that are subject to mandatory concealment.
  • Make a small ablution from the beginning to the end.
  • Three times washed your head, then all parts of the body also three times.
  • Wash your feet again.

Water in all types of ablution should be clean, odorless and impurities.

When you can perform dry ablution

There is some list when a person can not touch water during Taharata:

  • Any water source from you more than 1900 meters away.
  • You are sick and can't contact with water.
  • There is an obstacle that you can not overcome.
  • Too cold to use water.
  • If it entails thirst, in view of the small stocks of fresh water from you.

In this case, you wipe your hands about the ground, leaving the whole palm. Earth or sand protrude instead of water.

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