How to pray

How to pray

Prayer worries those people who are in the hardest position of the Spirit, they almost on the verge of losing themselves. But how to pray correctly to make the petition to come to God. It turns out that there are incorrect ways that do not bring human spiritual power. The Internet is silent by many sites that spread the incomprehensible content of the texts and offer prayes. It is worth paying attention to and recheck sources, and if there is no possibility, it is not necessary to look for common variations. It also does not stop on the text. An important point is awe.

How to pray - how to meet and spend a day

In the morning get up from bed and be sure to live thanking our gentlemen for a peaceful night and ask for a fruitfulness for their further undertakings. No need to ask anything else, even more so, speak equal to God. Before work there are free minutes - they are devoted to reading several heads from the Bible. Read without a rush to complete, thoughtfully and consciously. Before prayer and after, barefacked 3 times. You can stand in front of your knees or simply bowing your head on crossed palms.

How to pray - false appearance

Prayer is essentially a short meeting with God. In this period of time, he listens to the prayer and choselle to his words and questions. Sometimes people do not just pray without an image without presenting his face, in this case, create an appearance to which it would be nice to speak. But so do wrong, this face will be false. The goddings of God do not have a person and he appears in front of a person not as fantasy. It means that the answer of God on prayers and petition will come not from the face of the created appearance, which appeared in the head.

How to pray - Downcoming Drying

You need to be prepared to take God's will, even if it does not coincide with the desires of praying. The priests call it "cut off their will." For a long time, a long time is striving for a long time, until the person is fully confident in God and His omnipotence.

How to pray - basic rules

  • On God, the prayer book should be tuned and the prayer book will be the best assistant in this. It is not prohibited to refer to prayer several times a day, paying in your free time for several minutes. In the event of a lack of time when there is no moment for a full prayer, there is no moment, the Lord remembers without resorting to the reading of the Holy Book or to the Crossing.
  • Hard in the soul? Then they say: "Lord, help me, for me badly" or "Lord, thank you for giving me this day and bless that I lived it to the end."
  • In the evening, I remember all the good, which happened in the day, kicked for inadvertent acts, perfect sins. Thank you for peace and peace in your home.
  • Many are lazy to remember the Lord, because they believe that they are too busy for this. A person who did not study praying systematically, will not be able to live a rich life.
  • The sinner also needs repentance, it is for it that they fuss the prayers of believers, since all people need salvation. The whole essence of faith in God follows from forgiveness. And it sounds like this: "Lord, I'm sorry for the slave of God (name) for he does not know what he does."
  • In case of illness, it is allowed to pray lying or sitting on the bed.

Prayer - what is she?

  • Prayer, said in his own words, is constantly accompanied by a person. Start in silence and rest, making a pause before starting and at the very end. No formal subtraction, all the time repeated text fades and stops being fresh.
  • Pray not only when bad, but also in joyful, boring days. Even if there is no strength from happiness or from hard work, effort will find a minute for thanksgiving.
  • Maximum brief than shorter and collected praying will be, the better. Words, in fact, secondary, it is important to the message that is briefly said. Appeal first comes out of the heart and only then reaches the heavens.

As can be seen, everything keeps on faith, sincerity in their words. A general conclusion that can be done is to keep mind, care, but not to forget about feelings. Prayer gives a lot of soul, although it often sees boredom and severity. It is not necessary to read the Church Slavonic language, enjoy the translation. The main rule - never forget about prayer, so that faith does not move to the background and the person did not hit the wrong path.

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