What if she slept Sujur?

What if she slept Sujur?

As is known, Sujur is called the morning meal during the observance of the post in Ramadan. It is taken before dawn, this food is considered gracious. After that, Muslims do not eat anything and do not drink all day until the sun is sitting down. What will happen if Super slept and do it entails any consequences for Islam followers?

What is Sujur?

Sujur is the morning meant of Muslims during the sacred month of Ramadan. This meal together with the evening, which is accepted after the sunset, and which is called the Yofthar - replacement of three meals. All the Light Day of Muslims do not eat anything and do not drink, spend time in prayers, Allah is swaw and do good deeds.

Sujur - daily procedure, like prayer after it - Fajr. Also in the morning they utter an intention to post - Niyati. This is a daily ritual that Muslims are usually strictly observed. However, dawn can come too early and there is a possibility that someone, and drove away Sujur. How is it catastrophically? In fact, there is nothing terrible in this.

What are served on the tub?

Usually, dry carbohydrate dishes are served on dry, in order to maintain the forces in fasting during the day. What could it be:

  • Traditionally, any Sukhura includes dates.
  • The bread of their coarse flour.
  • Dishes from various types of croup.
  • Salads from vegetables or fruits.
  • A variety of dried fruits.
  • Water or tea.

You can diversify Suchur with a small amount of protein food, but it is not necessary to carry it. It can be dishes from fish or lamb, chicken eggs, dairy products. Typically, proteins are shown to those whose work or activity is related to the cost of physical forces.

How to be, if she slept Sujur?

The only thing that threatens to the man who slept morning meals is to stay hungry before the sunset, after which he can have a snack. But this is quite tolerant, in the end the post and is intended to doubt their flesh and think more about the soul than about the body. If he condered his weakness and decided to sleep, then he was ready to sacrifice food. But what about the intention of the post? It needs to pronounce in any case, this is the need to be observed strictly and daily.

It is important to pronounce the intention per 1 hour before the moment until the sun reaches its highest point in heaven - Zenith - this time is also called the bomb. If you do not forget to do this, the post on this day will be valid regardless, you slept you dry or not.

But still it is worth remembering that Ramadan is very responsible time for every faithful Muslim, and refers to the observance of all post rituals, it is necessary with maximum responsibility, so you should not wake up Sujur.

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