Short content Chernyshevsky

Short content Chernyshevsky "What to do?"

Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" It was published in Russia in its time only because the censor saw an exceptionally love plot in it. In fact, the meaning of the narrative is much deeper, it is revolutionary, even a rebellious nature, revealing the image of a new person who was unusual in the 19th century.

Roman is impregnated with new ideas that should give a new generation food for reflection and stimulus start living in a new way. "What to do?" It is necessary to read to understand the true essence, the register of the plot with a third-party face is clearly not enough to imbued his philosophy and comprehend the entire depth of the true idea.

The plot of the novel "What to do?"

The effect of the novel is evolving in 1856. In the St. Petersburg hotel, in one of its servant rooms, which took the numbers, finds a note, which says that someone intends to complete the life of suicide on the casting bridge and that the police do not need to blame anyone, and even more so to seek the criminal. The author of the note was intended to shrank, in the water at the bridge find someone's cap and the conclusion is made that it belongs to suicide.

At the same time, a young girl, living on a stone island, in the country's estate, rejoices of life, she is passionate about sewing, while singing a song that illiterate workers will save only knowledge, thanks to which they will become truly free. At this point, the servant brings her message, after reading which the girl, meanwhile, is the name of her Vera Pavlovna and she is the main heroine of this novel, flows into hysterics. Immediately, hearing the crying, the young man is broken into the room, who is trying to console her. She pounces on him with accusations of someone's death, then blame himself, the situation is messy and incomprehensible.

In order to understand what, actually, it means this scene, you need to know the background. So, there was a young person of Vera Pavlovna. She lived is quite worthy, as it was born and grown in a completely secured family. Her father managed an apartment building, while having quite a decent salary, and her mother was engaged in us, leaving money in need under an impressive percentage. That is, the family did not disturb.

His father himself was so busy that he didn't particularly care about how the fate of his adult daughter would last, but Mother, Maria Alekseevna, a straightforward woman, evil and evil, dreamed of giving faith to marry, while the groom should not even be wealthy, and rich . It would help not only successfully attach a daughter, but also to secure yourself a completely comfortable old age. She succeeds, an ideal candidate for husbands Mamas, he considers the son of the owners of the house, which manages her spouse. But the fact is that neither Vera Pavlovna does not have the slightest feelings for this rich sibling of a noble family, neither he dreams of becoming generally a husband, but to seduce the young charming charm, however, he is not away. The girl does not know how to find a way out of this hopeless position.

Salvation comes from an unexpected side. To help faith, Pavlovna takes the teacher of her younger brother, someone Dmitry Lopukhov. It turns out that he has long and hopelessly in love with a girl, gave private lessons and has accumulated enough money to offer faith to leave with him to a removable apartment. They are starting to lead a family life, but it looks rather strange even for people who have visited. In their removable apartment, they live in different rooms, never appear in front of each other in obscene form, and certainly knock on the door of the room when they intend to enter, so as not to catch the spouse by surprise.

In general, such a way of life is satisfied with both, Dmitry continues to teacher, and faith, not wanting to sit on his neck, opens his own business - the workshop on tailoring and repairing clothes. However, all those girls who work in it are not just the staff, they are all co-owners of the case, and receive income on a par with Pavlovna faith. Gradually, family puzzles appear friends who apply to them visits, they are having fun together, spend time, talk.

At the same time, the family includes a friend and the namesake of Lopukhov - Kirsanov. Gradually, he understands that he loved his friend's wife and turns to apply visits than terribly offended by faith, and her husband. But again it is forced to start visiting the house of the beloved woman after Lopukhov fell ill, and Kirsanov, by profession, the doctor helps her in the care and treatment of a man.

Gradually, the story comes far away that Kirsanov does not see another way out, how to imagine their suicide on the casting bridge to allow faith to live normally, and continue to build his fate itself, without betraying a friend. But the traction is becoming stronger to their homeland, and the living time abroad Kirsanov returns to St. Petersburg, changing the surname to Biamont. In Russia, he successfully marries, again converges with Lopukhov, and they are now being friends with houses and families.

It should be mentioned that on the eve of key events in the life of the faith of Pavlovna, it was dreaming of dreams, bright, detailed, and you can even call things, as they helped her to understand the current state of affairs. So she was able to deal with the true motivation of his mother, a real attitude towards her husband, his destination and the future.

But in this, it would seem that a banal love story, which is a triangle of a woman and two men, hidden thoughts, unacceptable at that time, new, fresh, revolutionary, they have become a push to new trends, freedomsiness and the desire of young people to a new life, where Equality and fraternity would be the basis of society.

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