OGE is the main state exam that is surrendered at the end of the 9th grade and is intended to identify the quality and level of knowledge of students on a particular subject ending the step of obtaining incomplete secondary education. For someone, these exams are the last in school life and after them the student will go to school, for someone, OGE will become an intermediate stage, assessment of knowledge and discovery of gaps in them before going to grade 10. But how to be if the nine-grader failed and did not pass OGE? What is it for him to threaten and is there any opportunity to correct the situation?
The reasons for which the child may not pass OGE
In fact, there may be several reasons for failure on the exam, and the lack of knowledge here sometimes plays far from a major role. So, let's start in order:
- Often, children who are unsure in their knowledge try to progress and protect themselves and come up with various ways to do this: cribs in any places and on various media, technical devices that will help and prompt what you need at the required moment. It is these things that drive guys on the exam. After all, people are smart and experienced teachers. A writhing person is visible not even for the vest, and for kilometers, therefore, most often, such students discover and offer them a wisdom from the examination audience and try their forces another time. By the way, this is the most unpleasant option not to pass OGE. Also can remove from the exam and for trying to talk with other exams passing, or attempt to make a phone call in the audience or outside it. Parents should clearly explain to their descendant to write off or perform any other actions that violate discipline in the office, where the exam passes, may cause unsatisfactory evaluation.
- The lack of knowledge is also the cause of the result. However, here a person at least tried to pass it. However, the teachers quite objectively assess the knowledge of their students and usually always suggest who and how to pass the exams. Therefore, if the teacher says to parents and the disciple that he will not pass, then you need to listen and appropriate for the subject at the preparation stage, although it is already late.
- The confusion is a ridiculous reason for non-love, but, nevertheless, it takes place on exams. Especially disappointing if the exam fails a student who was good or even well studied. When it sits down at the desk and fills out the form, it understands that it was so promoted and does not remember anything else. With confusion, you need to fight and try to make it so that it does not take the top. How to achieve this? It is good to prepare and be confident in yourself and your knowledge. Dumstands should dummy.
- Disease or failure to appear. Sometimes the circumstances are folded in such a way that the child simply physically cannot come to the exam, due to illness, injury and other valid reasons. Despite the fact that the cause of lack of weighty, the exam will still be considered not alleged. By the way, there are comrades who are simply not for the exam. Without explaining the reasons.
How to be in case of nonsense?
- If the student passed on unsatisfactory estimates of no more than two items, he can take advantage of the chance of revenge at the end of June. Naturally, the relief is successful, you need to safely analyze what was missing or mistakes, which knowledge was not enough and try to catch up. Of course, there is little time to retake in late June. But if the child was engaged in school satisfactorily, did not hear, attended all the lessons and performed homework, it will not be difficult for him. Level OGE - Assessment of the knowledge of the middle student. Therefore, most likely the reason for any hope was excitement and confusion, and it is worth collecting a student, then he will definitely fulfill the tasks at least for the minimum number of points above the failure.
- If the student did not pass three or more of the subject, as well as those who could not take advantage of the opportunity to recount in June and failed these tests, go to retake in September. Here, more time is given here and the child will be able to get those knowledge, thanks to the absence of which the exam was failed. You can do this on your own, daily and stubbornly engaged in unnecessary subjects, dealing with their subtleties and nuances. Or hire a tutor that will help to fill all the gaps.
- However, there are such subjects that the exams do not care completely do not care, the failures and disadvantages do not care at all, and it seems that the teachers and parents are experiencing more than those who themselves. How to be with them, because clearly they will not prepare for relocation, and even more so dinner and nostano gnawing the granite of science. There are several outlets:
- Stay in grade 9 for the second year, will learn and pass OGE again in four subjects. But this is not the best option. The thing is that if the child does not want to learn, no one will force him.
- Stay on domestic training and a year later try to pass tests. This option may be better, but also not the fact that it will bring results.
- School of evening learning. It will be possible to get a certificate and continue if you wish further vocational training. In a number of major cities there are educational institutions that are ready to accept children after grade 8, without the results of the OGE and the certificate. Their training is paid for and assumes that together with the profession, children will receive and incomplete secondary education too.
The chief council of parents before passing a child of OGE - remember, this is one of the most independent options to pass the exams, they are evaluated by completely disadvantaged people and deceive the system almost impossible.
Be objective in relation to the knowledge of your child, so as not to disappoint when receiving the result and be prepared to always look for another way out. Nobody is insured against the unsatisfactory passage of OGE, even the best and most reliable students.