How to explain to the child division

How to explain to the child division

Do not be discouraged if your child does not understand the lesson as the process of dividing numbers. A teacher at school can not always pay attention to every student. Take care of patience and become a home teacher for a schoolboy. Mathematical process first explain in the game form. Gradually proceed to more complex tasks. The child will understand everything and mathematics will be his favorite subject.

Explain the child division in the form of the game

Set aside boring textbooks. Turn the training in an interesting game:

  • take apples or candy. Ask the baby so that it divides four candy or apples between the two dolls or bears. Gradually increase the number of fruits up to eight and ten. First, the child will lay out the objects slowly. Do not shout at him, be patient. If it is mistaken - calmly correct. After the toys "get" candy, let the child consider how much each doll it turned out. Move the result. If there were 6 candies and they were distributed to three dolls - each went two. Explain that "divided" means that everyone needs to be distributed equally;
  • another gaming example. Explain division on numbers. Tell your child that the numbers are the same apples or candy. Explain to him that the amount of candy that needs to be divided is divisible. And the number of people who share candy - divider;
  • give the baby 6 apples. Ask him to distribute them to the lobby grandmother, a cat and dad. Then let him divide the same number of items between the cat and grandmother. Explain why the different result turned out;
  • explain the division with the residue. Give the baby 5 nuts, and let it treat in the same quantity of pope and grandmother. The remaining nut the kid takes himself. Explain this example that one nut and is the residue.

The above methods in the game form will help the child to understand the fission process and the fact that a larger number is divided into less. The first number is the number of apples or candies, and the number of the second participants, between which the subjects are divided. For a child aged 5 to 8 years of this information, enough. Learn the division of the baby before the school, it will be easier for him to assimilate the lessons of mathematics in the future.

Explain the child division on the example of the multiplication table

This method of learning is suitable for students of primary classes if they know multiplication. Tell that division is the same multiplication table, but it occurs opposite to multiplication of action. Visual example for a child:

  • multiply the number 5 by 4. It will turn out 20;
  • remind the schoolchild that the number 20 is the result of multiplying the two above numbers;
  • divide 20 to 5. Get 4. By this, you will clearly show that the division is opposite to multiplication.

Consider examples with other numbers. If the schoolboy learned well a multiplication table and will understand the connection between two mathematical actions - the division will be mastered easily.

We explain to the child a division - definition of concepts

Explain to the child names of the numbers participating in the division:

  • dividend. The number that should be divided;
  • divider. The number to which divisible is divided;
  • private. The result obtained after division.

For clarity, use the same examples with sweets and people or toys that the child should treat sweets.

We explain to the child division by the column

Go to this learning only after the child learned the above methods. He also needs to know how multiplied in the number of numbers. We take a simple example: 110 divide on 5. Explanation process:

  • write these numbers on a clean piece of paper;
  • divide them perpendicular lines as you will divide into a column;
  • explain what number is a divider, and what - divisible;
  • determine the child, what number can first be used for division. The first digit - 1 to 5 will not share. It means that you need to take the following digit to it and it turns out the number 11. The figure 5 can fit 11 twice;
  • write down the number 2 in the column under the five. Ask the child to multiply 5 on 2. Will 5. Record this figure under Number 11;
  • remove with the child of the 11 number 10 with the child. It will turn out 1. Write near the unit the remaining zero in the column. It turns out 10;
  • separate with a child 10 to 5. It will turn out 2. This number is written under the five, and the final result is 22.

Start learning from two-digit or even unambiguous numbers that can be divided without a residue. Gradually complicate the task.

For easy assimction with a child of mathematics, awaken interest in this lesson. Now appeared division tables. But is it necessary to memorize it if he knows the multiplication table and understand that the division is the process of the opposite? It all depends not only from the school teacher, but also from your studies with a schoolboy.

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