How to learn the alphabet with the child

How to learn the alphabet with the child

Sooner or later, each kid will have to face the first steps towards education. The study of the alphabet in some kindergartens begins pretty early, however, as a rule, this duty falls on the shoulders of the child's parents. At such a young age, your child will not be able to study letters with all seriousness - to the process you need to go playing, interested in the baby. Try different ways to memorize so that they do not have time to get bored with a child. In addition, changing ways and games, you give the baby to look at the process from different sides: remember and writing, and the pronunciation of sound. Perhaps he will even be interested in the creation of some letters to boast of kindergarten. Choose several ways you like from the following and try to memorize the alphabet with the child quickly.

How to learn with a child the alphabet playing

Any process can be drawn into the game, even such a monotonous as the alphabet sober. Remember your childhood children and think about how it can be used.


Each letter is similar to this or that subject from our daily life. For instance:

  • The letter "O" You can paint the handles and eyes, or tail and horns to get a sheep.
  • "D" is usually associated with a house.
  • "H" can be a staircase or rails.

To begin with, it is necessary to instill these associations a child, only then start building them in alphabet order. You can invent stories in which items appear one by one. Suppose the letter "A" is a house, and "b" - barrel. Start the story from the gradual input of the alphabet: "There was a wooden barrel in the old hill in the house ..."

Magnetic and speaking alphabets

These toys can be found in any children's store. Plus the speaking alphabet is huge: it clearly shows what the letter for which and when playing, calls the correct sounds. The baby will also work visual, and the auditory memory.

Magnets can be hung on the refrigerator, or a special board in the child's room. This game is good for knowledge check: Mix all the magnets between themselves and tell the child to lay out the alphabet again. For the same purpose, you can buy cubes with letters, but they occupy much more space and attract the attention of children to 3-4 years old than five years old.

Choose such an alphabet that pronounces the sounds - "En", "F", "B". If the kid will remember the letters - "PE", "VE", then he has problems in school.

How to learn with the child alphabet in creativity

It will help paints, markers, embroidery - any items that will be interested in the child.

Draw a letter

You can independently ask the child the topic of the drawing, for example, to make all the letters buildings or, draw them in the form of marine inhabitants. You yourself interest the creative gust of the baby and spend the fun. As soon as the child finished drawings, lay them out in alphabetical order. Do not throw out the drawings, consult them in the evening and again lay out in the right order.

Lepate alphabet

Here, too, you can diversify the process: change the plasticine onto the polymer clay, then on the hand cheer, then on new materials. In the process of pirogov, you can give a child a piece of dough: let him stick the letter, and you bore it.

An optional with a polymer clay is interesting - this material freezes in the oven and becomes a full-fledged solid toy. Crewing out of her letters once you get a set of toys of different colors made by a child yourself.


Some kids like to decorate than draw. This is also not a problem, because you can print any letters from the Internet and give them to the child. Change patterns so that they do not have time to get bored.

How to learn with the child alphabet - Songs and poems

On the Internet you can find a lot of risks, songs, mysteries on the topic of the alphabet. Save your bookmarks one of these sites, for example, this. And you can always intrigue the child. Make him a riddle, and for the decision to offer little sweetness, or ask to please the second parent, the performance of the songs with the alphabet. Such a way to appreciate the teacher in the kindergarten.

The study of the alphabet is an important step of the beginning of training, however, it is necessary to do it only when the child is in the mood and is ready to repeat you. In other cases, the games are better to postpone.

Comments leave a comment
Sonya. 18/04/2019 at 17:23

Oh, this is painstaking work. Just now we have such a period. We constantly repeat, I try to be interested in it. And I also definitely give multi-+ vitamos, a good composition and without artificial dyes. So that the brain worked well and memory. It is from this that success depends)


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