As a child to strengthen immunity

As a child to strengthen immunity

The baby's immunity plays a crucial role at any time of the year. So children exchange viruses even in the summer within one sandbox. Parents need to be prepared for seasonal diseases in advance. It is not necessary to place high hopes for drugs to enhance and strengthen immunity - this is only a temporary effect that does not always work. The best ways remain "Grandpa" Methods: hardening, proper nutrition, warm clothes, day mode and healthy sleep. Whatever primitive they seemed to you, but it was, there is and remains the key to the overall recovery of the entire body as a whole. Consider details some of them in this article.

How to strengthen the immune system with hardening

The training of the mucous membrane will be a huge barrier for all viruses and ailments. It is not necessary to apply extreme temperatures at all - from hot to icy, it is contraindicated for untrained children, especially at an early age. It is necessary to act as follows at first:

  • Pour the forearm of the child for ten minutes with contrasting water.
  • Water should not be ice or hot, a difference of 15 degrees Celsius is sufficient.
  • Include a strong water pressure of 20 degrees, ask for a child to substitute your forearm.
  • Immediately change the temperature by 35 degrees without interruptions.

The temperature difference does not deliver the child of inconvenience or discomfort, however, it is enough to harden this. After a week you can add a little difference.

Pouring is no less effective measure, but it needs to be applied only on healthy and ready for this children.
The child needs to be up under the contrasting shower with a difference in temperature just as 15 degrees. You can stand under it you can not more than seven minutes.

How to strengthen the immune system with the right nutrition

It has long been known that such products like garlic, onions, blacks, parsley and dill, cranberry, lingonberry ways to strengthen human health at any age. If the child does not accept some of them, try finely crumbled the product in a salad or a barrier. Be sure to serve it in the raw form without heat treatment.

Some kinds of greenery you can put in a sauce and grind in a blender, so the baby will not even suspect that the product has a hatching product with an appetite.

In winter, it is more consuming garlic, onions and even frozen cranberries. And in the summer - greens, herbs and all berries.

As a child to strengthen immunity exercises

Physical culture, along with hardening, is one of the most efficient methods. Perform with the child:

  • Light workout.
  • Charging in the morning. This not only accelerates metabolism in its body, but also strengthens protective functions.
  • If the child allows health - run.

Not always the baby actively manifests itself on physical education at school or kindergarten, it does not mean that he has bad physical training - he can have other reasons. Give the child to the type of sport that he soul.

How does a child strengthen the immunity: general recommendations

It is no secret that your psychological condition easily affects health, immunity, chronic diseases. Children are especially susceptible to emotional experiences: a bad assessment, a small propulsion, disagreements with friends or a wary of the teacher's glance - all this can knock out the kid from the gauge. Talk to the child more often and do not allow negative thoughts.

Many parents think that the warmer baby to wrap, the more he is protected from diseases. This is true only in the first years of life, however, the teen child is not needed such an excessive guardian. It can reduce the protective functions of his body, because sooner or later, the wind blows on it, it wets his legs, either greeted with a sore friend. Dress up a child on the weather and observe the houses comfortable temperature, not forgetting to ventilate.

If the virus came to your city, then you can resort to the medication raising immunity. Meet your pediatrician, choosing the drug. Give preference to mild and proven means.

Comments leave a comment
Manya 08/05/2018 at 14:26

I personally limit to vitamins for immunity (baby bear formula with vitamin C). According to my mind, this is enough for the child to do. But of course, a lot depends on meals ... We try to eat the whole family correctly, probably because of it almost do not get sick. And so .... Have a bunch of all different vitamins, as for me, it is impractical. I'll just not be sense.

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Kate 10/09/2018 at 15:22

My doca loves these vitamins. You always leave for the sea for the dose of sea air, positive emotions and sea water. But in the fall for prevention from three years, drink the beast formula.

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Anna 21/11/2018 at 15:07

From 1.5 years I give a child Babisan D3 (Vitamin D in drops). Chose it, because Composition Natural and H \u003d hypoallergenic

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Emma 20/04/2019 at 9:22

Thank you, excellent article. Of course, the right nutrition plays a huge role, but we now have such not high-quality goods. I give my and mutams Immuno + I give excellent vitamins, burst with pleasure and sick less. Also be sure to walk in the air and if possible, hardening does not hurt.

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Eugene 17/11/2020 at 12:50

My last year was often sick, at least there was no repetition in this ...

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Pauline 30/11/2020 at 1:14.

Eugene, I started to prevent the imunorix, I hope not to hurt. He helped us well when the daughter was sick, he recovered faster, and ORVI proceeded easily. Of course, I don't want to hurt ..

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