How to prepare for the exam in social science

How to prepare for the exam in social science

Social studies are starting to study from the 5th or 6th grade. This is a very interesting item that does not like everyone. This article will tell you how to prepare for the social science of social studies.

How to prepare for EEG on social studies - moral training

In order to prepare for the exam (no matter what object), you must configure yourself correctly. One of the proven methods is selfior. Sit, think about how you need knowledge learned during the passage of social studies. Since this subject tells us about various spheres of human life, such as politics, economics, religion, philosophy, etc., we have an independent opinion about certain aspects in the process of study. These knowledge give us the basis for further deepening in those or other spheres. In addition to all this, you will never feel embarrassed in intellectual society.

Motivating thoughts of this nature contribute to improving the general infusion and concentration on further preparation.

How to prepare for EEG on social science - the exam structure

The social studies exam consists of two parts:

Part 1: Questions (choosing the right version of several), establishing correspondences between individual elements of different sets, inserting missed words into text.

Part 2: Deployed answers to questions.

With the first part, everything is clear. We need specific knowledge in the areas of study of the subject. In the second part, improvisation can be included. If you are not quite sure if you answer the question correctly, you can speculate a little, write your opinion about this issue or add something that is not in the textbook, but you know from other sources. In addition, it is necessary to practice express thoughts stylistically correctly that each sentence sounds logical and intelligibly.

How to prepare for the EEG on social studies - theory

To go well to pass the exam, you need to know theory. The theory consists of 7 major sections:

  • Man and Society (includes: the concept of society, the role of society in human life, religion, spiritual development, culture, etc.).
  • Economy (includes: market relations, taxes, macro-micro economy, the interaction of certain economic elements, etc.).
  • Social relations (includes: types of social relations, norms, interethnic relations, etc.).
  • Politics (includes: the concept of power, society and power, types of forms of government, types of political regimes, leadership, etc.).
  • The right (includes: legal relations, the concept of rights, historical reports, the legislation of the Russian Federation and some other countries, comparison, terms, etc.).
  • Know and understand (includes: the concept of the essence of a person, his mergers with society, social institutions and processes, etc.).
  • To be able to (including: the ability to analyze, characterize certain processes, rhetoric, dialectic (the ability to argue), etc.

Below will be online sources and abstracts that will help you deal with themes and learn theory:

How to prepare for EEG on social science - Practice

Jugging the theory without practicing does not make sense. To pass well to exam, you need to train a lot, solve a lot of tests. If you learned well theory, you can proceed to practice. On the Internet there are many resources where you can pass identical to real tests and check yourself. Below will be some of them:

How to prepare for EEG on social science - Tutor

Social Studies can be handed out independently, but of course the person who has passed the preparation rate with a tutor feels calmer and more reliably on the exam. First, the tutor will be able to catch your weaknesses, provide additional tests that are not on the Internet. In addition, the tutor can teach you some kind of indifference to the essence of the subject, knowing which you can get out of the difficult situation. The tutor will provide you with the opportunity to simulate the examination process, feel like on the exam. That is why it is worth hired tutor. Your chances of successful exams will increase. Prices vary from 350 to 1000 rubles in 45 minutes.

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