How to become an interior designer

How to become an interior designer

Design interior is The profession that appeared on the market not so long ago. But despite this, its popularity is gaining enormous popularity. Previously, every mistress independently made her own accommodation At its discretion, today the designer is engaged.

The designer is a kind of wizard that turns any home into a fabulous palace, and the boring interior is in the embodied dream. Every person can become an interior designer. So, anyone can teach drawn, draw, see the volume, but the degree of success depends to a greater extent of the personality characteristics of the person. Next, consider how to master this profession.

How to become an interior designer - profile education at the Institute

Become a professional by your business, embodying pictures in reality, perhaps, if you get a higher education. Today, a huge range of educational institutions that prepare interior designers. Therefore, you need picky and caress your choice. For this you need to pass entrance exams. This is the best method of obtaining knowledge, which is checked for years. The Institute gives great knowledge luggage. During my studies, you will study each topic in detail. The only minus of this method of receiving the profession is the time training from five to ten years.

Also, students will be engaged not only by interior design, but also to teach many items that do not belong to the design, and the exams and standings should be taken.

Measures to increase chances upon admission:

  • training at home or classes in the midst:
  • determine the presence of creative veins, creative Thinkings, vision in the 3D effect with the help of testing test. With their help, you can define your profession designer or you can try yourself in another;
  • it is recommended to work in an art school to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200belementary concepts and hand sets for confident pencil ownership;
  • fold their successful work in the portfolio. Of course, there will be an interior project, but work in different techniques will increase your chances;
  • be aware of new products in interior design, collect the necessary information concerning the profession.

How to become an interior designer - Courses

The advantage of this method is the rapid learning - is 1-2 years. During this period, the student will receive a very specialized knowledge. In general, these courses are condensed and intensive institute program.

In this case, the designer courses are conducted by teachers who lack practical luggage (this lack there and institutes). It often happens that people with higher education, the designer began to teach, because it is not realized in real life.

  • Courses must have some kind of its history, namely, school supplies, education system and famous alumni.
  • Education profession involves not only the theory, but also complex skills such as a drawing program, presentation of the project, an internship. After that, you will find a job to which you want to be ready.
  • Fees vary in the range of 80 - 500 thousand rubles..

How to become an interior designer - training in designer-practice

A great way to learn a profession - it is to get an apprentice. Thus, you can get answers to any questions, ask to teach.

A significant advantage of this method is the practice under the guidance of an experienced designer. Through this, you get important knowledge without undue theory.

Of course, this method is quite heavy, because a professional with little free time, and to delve into the process and need to quickly learn.

How to become an interior designer - self-study

Learn independently is very long and hard. It spent a lot of years, because it is necessary to re-read hundreds of books. At the same time we have to deal with difficulties which may have to be corrected. Therefore, it is easier to ask for advice from a professional, because it will greatly facilitate your task. Especially if you intend to further implement the construction projects.

How to become an interior designer - if necessary drawing skills?

Be able to draw - it is not a prerequisite for the designer, but this skill helps to develop in this area. known designers often draw bad, but their projects truth Decent. Therefore, before proceeding with learning, you do not need to learn to draw. Special attention to pay drawing from hand, designing in 3D MAX, Sketch Up, developing project work drawings. As a result of the development of the eyelid, the ability to draw is considered an auxiliary skill of a designer.

Regardless of the chosen path, it is important to understand that theory and practice are absolutely different concepts. Of course, it is necessary to get knowledge, but no less important is to consolidate them in practice. To do this, you need to create a large number of projects, consult with the experience. And all this is done until you start asking the Council. But then you should not stop on your development and continue to learn from reputable people of the design sphere.

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