Now entering the higher education institution directly depends on the results of the EGE - an additional university competition is rarely carried out and mainly concerns creative specialties. In order to be well to pass the exam, school lessons are not enough, so many begin to prepare separately several years before the exams. Competent and advance preparation is really very important to dial high points. In this article you will find tips on preparing for the USE and the procedure for making material from the school program.
Preparation for the exam with a private tutor
Preparation for the exam with a tutor is considered the most efficient option. The teacher will be able to individually do with the child, making the emphasis on the material with which the student is experiencing difficulties. If the schoolboy has problems with self-discipline or the subject is very complex, do not do without a tutor. In preparation for the exams, together with an individual teacher, you can allocate a number of advantages:
- Often schoolchildren in graduation classes are very busy. With a tutor you can make your own schedule that will be convenient for you.
- You can find a tutor living in your area to spend less time on the road, or agree with the teacher to do at your home.
- You can regulate the frequency of classes, depending on how confidently the child feels like this or another item.
- You can find a tutor from the university to which you plan to do - so you can not only tighten the subject for the exam, but also prepare for future learning, taking into account the specifics of a particular university.
- With a tutor, you can not only prepare for the exam, but also to disassemble school homework.
- You will save time, since all the attention of the teacher will be directed to one student, and they will be engaged with a schoolboy with what he has difficulty.
Nevertheless, you can face with a number of shortcomings of classes with a tutor:
- First of all, the disadvantages include the high cost of such lessons - preparatory courses designed for many students are much cheaper.
- Not always work at home is convenient. Sometimes it is difficult to accommodate in the apartment, sometimes it is not possible to provide silence or clearly demonstrate anything - many more comfortable to engage in specially equipped audiences.
- Often in the presence of a tutor, children relax and cease to learn independently - if the teacher is ready to do homework together and repeatedly explain the same thing, the student relaxes and does not apply proper efforts that negatively affects the success in school.
Preparation for the exam in courses
Now popular is the most diverse courses on which schoolchildren are preparing for the delivery of the USE for any subjects. This preparation will be a good alternative to the private tutor. Among the benefits of preparatory courses, you can allocate the following:
- Courses will cost much cheaper than the tutor. If your budget is limited, and the child is well studying at school, it is possible to choose exactly group training classes - this will be quite enough.
- Sometimes the work in the group makes the learning process even more productive - communicating with each other and listening to the answers of different people in classes, schoolchildren can better absorb the material. In particular, this concerns humanitarian disciplines and foreign languages.
- Often, with group classes, presentations and films that help even better absorb the material.
At the same time, it is worth identifying and disadvantaged preparatory courses:
- It is impossible to skip classes or start studying from the middle of the year. If an individual tutor is adjusted for you, the courses have a clear program and each student cannot be explained what he missed.
- In courses, teachers often do not often control each student, so the student requires self-discipline and the desire to learn.
- If you choose the tutor yourself, parents are not always familiar with teachers of courses. At the same time, students who may have insufficient experience for effective schoolchildren learning there.
- Finally, visiting courses, you will have to go to a certain place and adjust your schedule for specific hours of classes.
Independent preparation for the exam
School teachers are so worried about the middle score of the disciples on the exam, which often themselves recommend everyone to deal with tutors or courses. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the exam is limited only by the school program and, if the student receives good estimates, he is likely to pass without a tutor. If you decide to prepare for the exam on your own, it is worth considering a number of nuances:
- Preparation must be a comprehensive, advance and regular. No need to postpone everything in recent months. The program should be evenly distributed for a year and gradually repeat the material. Well, if it is possible to do little by little every day - so the information is better absorbed.
- If you need to remember the dates or formulas, the visual memory can help. Write all the information detachable on several sheets, highlight the most important color marker, compose the material into several logical groups and reread it daily.
- Be sure to not only repeat the entire material, but also to solve the tests - at least a few per day. You can buy a collection of tests of the exam in a bookstore or find suitable examples on the Internet. Ensure that the test is modern, because every year in the exam may make certain changes.
- Learn in advance the subtleties of the design of the blanks. A lot of offensive mistakes happen precisely because of errors in the design - it is important to correct their answers to correctly, because the computer checks them.
To choose a way of preparation for the exam, you need to identify the level of knowledge of the student. If with the subject of the problem, and time presses, it is better to take a private tutor. If the schoolboy learns well, it will be enough for the preparatory courses. In addition, it is quite possible to prepare for the exams and on our own forces - the main thing, finding convenient ways to systematize information and do regularly.