What do you need to do in Palm Sunday?

What do you need to do in Palm Sunday?

On the Orthodox calendar, during the year there are many different significant dates and holidays, but there are those who are paid great attention. One of these holidays is Palm Sunday. To great unfortunately, not many Christians know the essence of the holiday under consideration. Let's find out today, which means this holiday, what traditions exist and where they come from.

Designation of the holiday

For starters, let's figure it out with the holiday yourself, find out what he means, and where he came from, so to say what he was dedicated to. This holiday falls on different dates, that is, it does not have a certain number of celebration, but every year he runs on Sunday. Celebrate the holiday in question 7 days before Easter (it is considered the day when Jesus Christ was risen).

It should be noted that Palm Sunday is considered one of the most important holidays (and they are totaling twelve in the Orthodox calendar) and is a symbol of the reign of God. It turns out that the date of the holiday under consideration is determined by finding out the date of Easter.

Story says that in the life of Jesus Christ, Palm Sunday was an important day in his latest livelihood on earth before it crucified. It is on this day that Jesus entered the glorious city of Jerusalem, and he did it as a king (this is exactly what is described in the Gospels, and in all available).

At that time, all rulers and their retinues met ordinary people, in whose hands were palm branches (well, because in our country to find this plant is problematic, the earlier in the spring, therefore the palm branches decided to replace the recruitment branches).

Jesus drove into the city, as the Holy Scripture says, on the donkey, and people rejoiced his arrival and threw palm branches to his feet. Residents of Jerusalem were confident that this was the new ruler, who was sent over to protect them and save them. The usual people believed in his supernatural forces, which was quenched by many kilometers.

Unlike the ordinary people, the high priests were, to put it mildly, not very glad to such a matter. Jesus, in turn, knew perfectly well that he was waiting for everything he did and how he helped people, but did not stop his procession, which should have ended with a crucifixion on the cross.

After all the happening - the resurrection of Christ and other events, the holiday of his entry in Jerusalem began to celebrate only three centuries after his birth. On Russian lands, Palm Sunday began to celebrate a hundred years later.

As mentioned earlier, traditions were preserved in primeval form, only the palm branches were replaced on the tree branches, which can be found at this time in the surrounding area. Today, this day, people sanctify the willow as a symbol of the fact that Jesus came to the king in Jerusalem and was in fact for them for a simple Luda.

Traditions of church

So, from where this holiday takes your roots, we found out, now let's turn to the information about traditions that the Christian Church welcomes:

On the eve of the Palm Sunday, services are held in the churches on tradition, which lasts throughout the night, up to the morning of the next day, right before the holiday. People stand all night in the church with loyal branches in their hands, and so goes on until the morning.

On this day, the sanctification of the twigs under consideration is the most important and main tradition of this holiday from available. Each real Christian must necessarily condemn the verbal twigs and put them at home.

Usually people are lined up in large queues to get a blessing and sanctifying their willow sprigs. The priest read the prayers and illuminates the symbolic branches of all those who came today for this purpose.

In Jerusalem, similar services are conducted. Only people come not with verbal branches. And with palm. But in any case, the twigs from the tree on this day in the hands of Christians are a symbol of what life wins death, and praising such an event as the resurrection of Jesus.

Correctly store the branches of the willows that you were consecrated in the church throughout the year until the next similar holiday, so the person is in the world with God and believes in him.

Traditions of people

The people have their own traditions on this:

  • on Saturday before the holiday, the Russians are going to collect the willow
  • only young twigs are cut, where there are no old branches and dry shoots.
  • in no case cannot cut the branches near hospitals, cemeteries, as well as from trees, where there is a hollow on the trunk.
  • The twigs that were consecrated in churches put at home in vases, decorate the walls, paintings and, of course, the licks of the saints.
  • Previously, folk guys with fairs, games and other interesting events arranged this holiday. Also, the versh branches were also sold, which were decorated with different homemade decorations.
  • You also need to not be forgotten that the holiday in question is not allowed to work, it was for this reason that the women altered all affairs on Friday and Saturday to the evening.

It is worth understanding that Palm Sunday is an ambiguous holiday, at one time it is a fun day, and on the other hand, it is a day of grief and sadness, but in any case, this holiday cannot be noted.

People believed that verbal twigs lit into this great holiday, possess the truth, the magical force that is capable of performing a protective function (protect people in the house and the house itself from all the troubles, troubles and twigs).

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