Where to consecrate the cakes?

Where to consecrate the cakes?

Easter is perhaps one of the greatest holidays of Orthodox Christians. It is celebrated widespread, on this day most of the believers visit the temple, where they are rejoice in the resurrection of Christ and put it. Easter has its traditional attributes - these are painted eggs, cakes, cottage cheese Easter. Before using them in food to the Great Holiday of Light Easter, began to spend after a long-lasting great post, the festive snack is required to be consecrated. Where and how to do it? And is there a certain time for this?

What days is it possible to consecrate the cakes?

According to the tradition, the festive food, to which it is customary to paint eggs, cakes and cottage cheese Easter, or as they call all this traditional snack - the Easter basket, it is customary to sanctify on the Great Saturday - the eve of the great holiday of Light Easter.

This day is the Great Saturday - believers are carried out as usual in the temple, this day is saturated, the services go one after another. For what reason of the cake and other will be sanctified on this day? To the Orthodox could have time to apply for a festive table, as the day of the Great Easter himself is even more saturated than the entire passionate week preceding it, and you can simply have anything to have anything.

But it is not forgiving to sanctify the cakes and in the very bright resurrection of Christ, and in the two subsequent days after him, that is, in the next Monday, and on Tuesday, following Easter.

Where and what time the cakes sanctify?

Naturally, the consecration of cakes and other Easter eggs, occurs in churches, temples and chapels. Wherever services are held in these holidays. There is no certain time of consecration as such, you can come at any time and ask for a blessing father and ask to consecrate the festive cake and another snack.

But there is also a tradition when some temples prescribe a certain time of consecration of kulukhai so that Orthodox can bring a treat at one time and consecration occurs massively, which saves time and priest, and parishioners.

Which temple is better to choose to consecrate the crib?

If a Christian is a parishioner of a certain church, regularly visits the service there, goes to confession and communion, then for the lighting of the Easter basket, it usually chooses his church. However, on holidays, sometimes in large churches and temples arise large clusters of those who want to consecrate the cakes, so you can choose a small church or a temple where there are not so many people.

Those who usually do not go to church, however, are Christians, baptized in the Orthodox Church, may apply for the consecration of the scene into any church, but it is better to know in advance what the rules of consecration of the Easter dock exist in the chosen temple, to clarify the chief of the temple, Batyushki, others Employees of the church of the Nuances of the rules of conduct on the consecration of Kulukhai, so as not to experience awkwardness for their inappropriate behavior or questions during the ceremony.

The Great Easter is an important day, the consecration of Kunichi is a tradition that many Orthodox are trying to observe, therefore know where and how the ceremony of the sanctification of Easter eggs is necessary.


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