What to do in pure Thursday before Easter?

What to do in pure Thursday before Easter?

Approaching Light Easter - all cookings are about to begin, and that everything was, as it should be, you need to know some moments, including the signs and traditions of the Christian faith. So, today we will talk about clean Thursday and that this day should be done, and what to do better on another day.

history of the holiday

Each year, the date of pure Thursday is shifted, depending on the date of Easter, if it is easier to speak, then the holiday in question occurs in the last Thursday before Easter, that is, three days before it. Otherwise, it is precisely from clean Thursday "Big three days", as written in the Bible.

Many, so-called Christians, do not know what this holiday is connected, and why this day is also important, like a passionate Friday. In the Bible it is written that it was on this day Jesus at the secret evening established the sacrament of the Eucharist, and on the same day he was arrested and seated the high priests in the dungeon. Every Christian who considers himself a truly believer person is obliged to know when a celebration of a particular date in Christianity and its history.


Many hundreds of years ago, Christians were looking forward to this holiday, because it was on that day a wide variety of rites, strengthening marriage, well-being in families, the health of each participating in them. It was believed that correctly spent rites into one of their most important days of the passionate week, that is, in pure Thursday, they promise good luck to the coming year.

From a long time, it was customary to swim in pure Thursday even before the sun rose, among other things, various kinds of rites for physical cleansing were still held, young guys sang songs, the girls ripped their curls.

Rites in pure Thursday

It is worth noting that there are also some, so to speak "Rules", on this day, for example, the first thing before the sunrise it is necessary to gain water into a bowl, a pelvis or other dishes and lower the silver product or a coin, after which this " Silver plated water washed. Compliance with such a rite makes health and prolongs beauty, which is exactly what our ancestors believed.

After the whole family was swimming, it was cleared of sins, a rite of the threate salt was carried out. To do this, take a little salt (the handful will be enough) and pour it into a pot. It was believed that this salt was a powerful facing the premises in which the family lived. So that the power of salt has become even more, it can be devoted to it or bake in the furnace.

Order in the house

From a long time, to this day, people in pure Thursday are harvested by their homes and the coastal territories. On this day:

  • erase
  • smooth
  • wash
  • sleep the vegetable garden, household plot, flowerbeds, etc.

There are signs - if the owners are not cleaned in pure Thursday, the whole year in this house will be a break and quarrels, misunderstanding and resentment, which is why everyone tried to free themselves from their own business and make a general cleaning of the house.

The ancestors were confident that if you observe all the traditions on this day, the probability of finding lost things increases, and among other things, cleaning and throwing out of the house of all the hlama, can attract a unmarried person a narrowed or narrowed.

Thursday fortune telling

Girls often to attract the narrowed rite into their house: carefully cleaned in the house and put some things in each room for their narrowed, and on the rug near the door put a completely new pair of shoes, but only so that the socks stood backs to door.

It should also be noted that people believed that in the considered holiday in no case cannot be filled with water within their home and even the yard (in the case of the private sector), because all the negative energy accumulated over the year and collected during cleaning may negatively affect the family life of the couple and their well-being.

The optimal option in this case is to get rid of dirty water by pouring it into place where there is no vegetation, it can be a road or crushed stone, stones, etc.

By the end of the day in the house there should be no unfinished business:

  • unwashed utensils
  • not styled linen
  • dirty rooms
  • garbage in the house

If you have a church candle at home, burn it and read the prayer, it is believed that on this day it acquires special strength and can clean the house from the whole negative, bad and protects from the sorrow and troubles in the future.


As for food intake, there is nothing special here. It should be borne in mind that a strict post and those still continue on this day. Who complies do not have to stop doing it. Many Christians on this day even refuse vegetable oil and hot preparation dishes.

If you are serious about the post before Easter, then after in the morning we have, you need to go to the church on the liturgy, which is held since the morning, it will be necessary to come true, so there is no rite before this rite.

This day is always very saturated for Christians, because in 24 hours it is necessary to have time:

  • Clean the sins by bathing before sunrise and washing the "silver" water
  • Go to the morning liturgy and compete
  • Remove in the whole house and plot near him
  • Wash underwear
  • Conduct the rite of cleansing the room with church candles
  • You should also not forget that it is on this day that the cooking begins for Easter - baked cakes, there are eggs, there are various dishes.

Here, too, there is one nuance - while there is a post, cooking meals should be completely on the eye, because it is not allowed to try not allowed.

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