How many times can you be a cross

How many times can you be a cross

In the Orthodox faith of the child, there are not parents, and the godfather and the godfather. Who can become a godfather for a child? How many people can be the gods? We will find out in this article.

Who can become a godfather and godfather?

Previously, relatives took as the godparents. This was explained by the fact that in case of misfortune with real parents, the godfather was taken into their family or the godfather.

The priests advise on the role of godpieces call:

  • A woman and a man who go to church and adhere to the Orthodox faith, but not necessarily two. The godfall can be one person, but the same sex that the child.
  • The godfather cannot become people who adhere to another faith.
  • The godfather can become young people if they were fulfilled: a woman is 13 years old, a man - 14.
  • The godfall can be close senior relatives: Uncle, Aunt, Grandfather, but not real parents.
  • The godfather and the godf can be people who are not married if you wanted to invite your husband and wife to this role, you will have to limit ourselves to one person.
  • The godfather can be unmarried or pregnant woman.
  • And the first time, and the subsequent times, you can baptize boys and girls to baptize.
  • If you are called to be a godfather parents, and you feel that you will not cope, and deny them - there is no sin in this. It is important to explain the child's parents why you refuse.

What are the responsibilities of the godfather?

Responsibilities of the godfather or godmother:

  • Must acquire your godfather to faith, visit together worship, teach him how to adhere to Orthodox traditions.
  • Together with real parents, help bring up a godfish good and kind man. If the child grew up, and makes bad actions - for this sin will be responsible before God, both true parents and the godfather.

What happens during baptism?

All sins of the kind are transferred to the newborn child with the blood of ancestors. During the baptism, all sins are removed from the child, and he would be born again. Now it will be easier for him to go through life, because in difficult times god will be assisted by God, real parents and new parents - godpa.

The godparents must be responsible for the godfather, and help him as her child.

How many times can you be a godfather?

The priests, to the question how many times can become the godfather, is responsible for definitely.
If you are a believer, you make good actions, visit the church, feel the strength to instruct a true one's child on the path, and help him to raise him like - you can be a godmother of how much time.

Thus, the godfather can be started until your kindness runs out while you are ready to be responsible for someone else's child who has become yours.

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