What does the red thread on the wrist mean?

What does the red thread on the wrist mean?

In recent times, the frequent accessory on the wrist becomes a red thread. Someone simply follows a fashion trend, and someone invests in this deep meaning and hopes that this charm will be able to protect against the negative. To understand what the semantic load is brings the red thread if it is a mandatory accessory and whether its religion does not blame, you can read this article.

A little story

The red thread appears in the ancient legends and legends of many nations of the world. Slavs also did not exception. She was tied with newborns and older people with the hope that it would not give a bad thing. Since then, many years have passed, but so far it is obsessed with tensile and diseases of the joints. How it would not seem strange for those who are tuned skeptical, but this method really helps.

  • There is a legend of Lilith. She was the first chief of Adam, became the prototype of modern feminists and demanded equality with her husband. But he did not accept her, because Lilith decided to leave Adam. Angels caught up with her and tried to return back. It was even more added aggression in the behavior of Lilit and she promised to kill 100 kids every day. After a long sentence, the angels convinced her not to touch those babies on which the symbolism of these saints or the Lilith itself would be. The name of the woman was associated with red, because the mother began to resort to such a protection method.
  • There is also a gypsy legend, which tells that Sarah helped the apostles. As a sign of gratitude, they allowed her to choose a baron for Roma. For selection, it tied up on the wrists of the chosen thread of red, which shone from one of them. So the Gypsies found the first baron.
  • There are similar legends from other nations. For example, the German goddess Nereague treated patients with this accessory.
  • Interesting is a belief there is the Chinese and Japanese. They believe that men and women who are the second halves of each other, are invisible red bracelets. When the time comes, they bring the halves together.

Red thread in world religions

The most zealous supporters of red thread revered Kabbalah. It should be on your left hand. This is especially important because a bad energy flows into man through the limb. It is important to protect people from the negative, which can lead to illness and even death.

The first node must tie dear person, a relative or a close friend in spirit. Other nodes can tie their own. In total there should be seven. Best of all, if the thread is wool and brought from Jerusalem.

This accessory exists in buddistov.Zamuzhnie people wear it on the left hand, unmarried - on the right. Go to the temple without the talisman on the hand can not.

From what protects red thread?

Proponents of this method to protect yourself sure that the accessory:

  1. Safeguard against the evil eye and negative energy.
  2. It allows you to find a person to their purpose and way of life.
  3. Safeguard against evil thoughts and inclinations.
  4. It promotes successful endeavors.
  5. It helps in career growth.
  6. It allows you to find solutions in difficult situations.
  7. A positive impact on health, especially the joints.

This amulet to be worn for at least 40 days, and then burn. It is believed that the red thread is tied round unit which accumulates energy of positive and negative does not penetrate into the human.

How to tie a thread?

Just tie a thread of the desired color is not enough, it will not give the desired result. There is a ritual, as it is done. The Kabbalah is a special ritual, a solemn mystery. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Take the red woolen thread and call a loved one.
  2. Fasten with the help of the first node in the left hand, and then knit the remaining six sites on their own.
  3. During the process of thought must be directed in a positive direction.

It is believed that the accessory must necessarily be purchased, and is received as a gift.

Each decides whether to believe in the action of this talisman. If this will impress the person that he is protected from the negative, then it is a positive thing for the benefit of the amulet.

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