What is akathist?

What is akathist?

Akathist is a laudatory solemn singing, in which the Lord, the Virgin or Saints praise. Translated from the Greek word Akathist means "anthem that is not read sitting."

Who was devoted to the first Akathist?

Akathist is one of the most favorite services in the Orthodox Church. Despite some disputes on the authorship of the first Akathist, many scientists agree with the pious tradition, which says that the Akathist was drawn up in the city of Constantinople with the Holy Roman Melodist, about 556.

Byzantine empire from his very beginning in Constantinople during the fourth century, closely connected himself with the Virgin Mary and always called on her defense or help. This is seen from the prayer services of the Mother of God between the fifth and eighth centuries, Konstantinople called "the city of Virgin".

The format of the acafisite hymn was so popular that many other hymns were written in accordance with this format, especially their much drawn up in the Russian Orthodox Church. These include Akathists to our Lord Jesus Christ, to the life-giving cross, to the holy, etc.

The structure of the first akafista

As already mentioned earlier during the reading of the akathist, it is customary to stand. Akathist of the Blessed Virgin Mary consists of 24 stanz, long and short alternating among themselves. Each short stanza (Kondak) ends with the singing "Alliluya". Each longer stanza (IKOS) ends with an exclamation: "Rejoice, the bride is nonsense."

The content of the first akafista

Most of the hymns are drawn up for praising and directed towards the Virgin, they always begin with the greetings of Archangel Gabriel: "Rejoice." In each of them, one by one, are all events associated with the embodiment of the Lord Jesus Christ:

  • Archangel Gabriel (in Ikos 1) admires the divine creation, which should happen when Christ comes to live in the womb of the Virgin.
  • Selection of John the Baptist (IKOS 3) Prophe's rejoices, the shepherds (Ikos 4) recognize Christ a defective Lamb and rejoice that in the Virgin "the land of the earth joins the chorus with heaven."
  • Pagan magicians, (Kondak 5), following the lights of the stars, also praise the Mother of God for opened the world to the world.

As the hymn reads, various people and groups face Christ and his mother. Each of his needs and each of his own desires or expectations, and everyone finds its special spiritual need, satisfied and fulfilled in our Lord and in the Mother of God.

Thus, every generation of Orthodox and every person who prayed by this Akathist will find in it an inspired tool to express gratitude and praise of the Mother of God for making it for his salvation and salvation of all mankind. The Mother of God is the most exalted and most revered man from God, it is honored and love all Christians.

Who are the modern acafists dedicated?

Currently, there is a huge number of acathists compiled by different authors in honor of the Savior, the Mother of God, holy people and important religious events. It should be remembered that not all acathists received the blessing of the church leadership for independent reading. Therefore, the texts of the acafirs are better to take from special books - Akafisnikov. If you still decided to read the Akathist, who gave you one of your friends, better show his priest before reading.

One of the most famous liturgists of our time, Archimandrite Cyprian (Kern), once wrote: "Countless acathists who are now found, especially in Russia, are nothing more than a bad and insensitive attempt to rephrase the classic Akathist. They are simply a violation of the charter, liturgical illiteracy and lack of aesthetic taste. "

Accident Reading Time

Akathists can be read at any time when you have a need for this. The exception is only the period of the Great Post, when the acathists are not accepted to read. The great post is the time of restrictions, including in joy, because akathist is a joyful praise. Therefore, it will be possible to resume the reading of acceptors only after the bright week.

How to tune in to prayer?

Before you read reading, pay your face east, it's good if you have an icon on which the holy or event you want to appeal to. When a person reads Akathist He is alone with God. The ability to communicate with God is an important aspect of spiritual life that connects a person with its creator. You can come to the temple for reading akathist. The order of church services must necessarily include the overall reading of the acathists.

Priests can read the Akathist before the start of the liturgy in the morning service or some evening services (usually in the evening on Sunday) consist only of reading akathist. It does not matter where you prefer praying, but it is important that your heart was open to God. Therefore, on prayer you need to be concentrated and save such a setting to the entire service.

A sincere heart prayer brings a blessing to a person, and he succeeds there, where everyone else fails. The Lord is always ready to help us, but he wants to hear our prayer, our request for help. Therefore, the reading of the akathists is so important for human spiritual assistance.

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