How to baptize a child?

How to baptize a child?

You are with great joy prepare for the baptism of your child and have already chosen, the name of the baby, and who will trust to be the godfathers, and where and how to celebrate the christening. And if you thought about the baptism of your child not as a secular event or custom, but what about the church sacrament? Today, the true meaning of this sacrament, unfortunately, has changed. Our article will help young parents in preparing for this important event.

What is baptism?

Baptism is one of the sacraments of the church and an important point in the spiritual life of every person. After baptism, the child is forever connected with God - it's the way to salvation. The baby has no faith and repentance, therefore the church is baptized babies for the faith of his godfather, they are treated for their scene and promise that the child will go to the temple, communion and grow with prayer. If you have already chosen the temple, for baptism, then definitely talk to the priest. He will answer your exciting questions and will advise, for what moments it is necessary to pay special attention.


Select name

According to church order, the child gives a name on the eighth birthday. If the name, your child is in the saints, in the list of the names of the Saints, compiled in accordance with the months and days of the year, does not need to be chosen. Your child has a heavenly patron. The priest can help, in choosing a name in the event that the child's name is not in the list of church names, but he must coordinate this name with you.

When do you need to baptize a child?

A person can take baptism at any age. The child is accepted to baptize, after the fortieth day from birth. There are special cases when priests are recommended to hold a rite right in the maternity hospital, such as a weak baby or there is a threat to life. Doctors argue that after that, the kids immediately go to the amendment.

It is better not to tighten with baptism, small children are easier to carry baptism rites. When they dip in the font (kids are immersed in the water three times), they do not have time to get frightened.

For the christening will suit any day of the week, but, as a rule, we are conceding on weekends. Sign up before or negotiate the date and time with the priest. Come on baptism you can find that other children will be baptized in addition to your child. This is not affected by the baptism rite.


Children's Children's Choice

The main role of godparents is to teach the child to the Orthodox faith, so the godpa must be definitely Orthodox. Sometimes parents choose the godfather from among their friends, taking into account material security, but this is not correct. The main thing about what parents should remember is what they choose the second parents for their baby. They will take part in the upbringing of the child.

Important! To be the godfather, his child cannot father and mother, her husband and wife should not baptize one child. But the rest of the relatives - grandfathers, grandmothers, aunt, uncle and even brothers and sisters can be the godfather.


What must be baptized?

The godfather should be taken care of a white canvas or a towel, which is wrapped in a recent child. This fabric cannot be used for swaddling, it is carefully stored and used how to protect if he is capricious, or is sick. There are also two candles for the rite, and a native cross. The cross can be gold, silver or simple - it does not matter. Do not forget to take a child's birth document with you, as well as the documents of the godfather for the correct fill in the baptismal document.

Remind guests that clothes for the holiday should be neat, women need to wear skirts and take handkerchiefs.

Gifts for baptism

Christening is a holiday for the whole family, the ability to get together and solemnly note a significant event. The baby gives gifts that this day would be remembered for life. It is customary to give the icons of the saint patron, the Virgin and the Savior, illustrated by the Bible - as conductors in the world of holiness. You can give a silver spoon, which the baby will subsequently come in the church. The choice of gifts is wide, but most importantly, in order to give them people who loving the baby and wanting to him.

Baptism is the spiritual birth of a person, so it is responsible for him responsibly, the further fate of the baby may depend on it. The main thing is to love your child, pray for him, and then with him. And you will always know and feel that besides you, the Creator himself cares about him.



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