The patronage of the saint, usually determined by your birthday. It was in these days of scheduled birthday party for a number of saints of both sexes, so you will not be difficult to find out what the name day is celebrated on this day, for example, select the name of the child. However, when you already have a name and you want to know which icon you patronize, it is better to turn to a special service or directly to the church. In this article, you look at how and where to find out who is today celebrating his name day in the Orthodox Church calendar, as well as what icon protects you on the birthday and name. You will need only internet access.
Recognizing Your Saints through the Internet
Technology does not stand still, on the Internet a large variety of websites dedicated to the Orthodox Church or any other religion. They assembled the entire library of training literature for you and your children, and created small programs, which themselves are selected by name day birthday.
For example, you can visit the site Make it as follows:
- To determine the range of the holy name, go to the website and look for the strip with all the letters of the alphabet.
- Select female or male names you need.
- Click on the first letter of your name begins.
- In the window below you will see a list of all the names that begin with your letter.
- Please note that only the names of the church will be on such a list, that is, you can not be there. Then you need to look for his religious name, by which you were baptized.
- Click on the right.
- In the list on the right will be all the dates when you name day.
- On the left you will see the names of saints who patronize this day.
- Now that you know what the saints and which days it is yours.
That's because, without leaving your home, you can learn the days of his Saints. Of course, it can be done in the church, if you visit the Sunday services every week.
How to find out your saints - icon-intercession
However, the church calendar is not only named after any saints that patronize you, but also one single holy, with whom you will also match the name, and date of birth, his icon will be considered your intercession icon. Wear her miniature with me to protect yourself from all the troubles and misfortunes.
Learn your icon-an intercession is very simple with the help of the same service.
- Open the main page of the site and pay attention to the right field to enter information.
- Enter your church name to the first line, that is, the name for which you baptized. It is recorded in special crusts that give parents after baptism of the child.
- Select the desired name from the drop-down list.
- In the second line you need to enter your date of birth in the format "day, month, year."
- Check the entered data. If everything is correct, click on the red button "Define".
- The search will not be executed if you have not entered at least one criterion.
- A few seconds at the bottom of the form you will see your saint. Moreover, his name will be represented as a link, you can go through it and read more about the accomplishments of this holy person, see it icon. It is this icon that will patronize you and protect. It is called an intercession icon.
- Rarely, but it happens that you are ranked two or more saints. Then you can consider them both intercessors, put the icons of the house and in the car, find out special prayers.