How to get to the service in the Church of Christ the Savior?

How to get to the service in the Church of Christ the Savior?

The Church of Christ the Savior is one of the greatest temples in Russia. He is the central temple of our country, here is often, in the days of the great holidays, the Great Patriarch itself conducts services, and the president also happens. Many believers dream of staying in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Is it difficult to get there, as it seems initially or visit the temple anyone?

What is the Church of Christ the Savior?

This t church is a historical and architectural complex consisting of their temple, churches and chapels. The abbot of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is the patriarch of All Russia Kirill. This is perhaps the largest temple of the Russian Orthodox Church, located at the address Moscow, ul. Volochonka, 15.

Visiting the temple on weekdays

To defend the service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior dreams of any Orthodox person living in the province. Having visited this center of Orthodoxy, many notice that they feel some special grace. Most convinced, no matter how strange it sounded that it is possible to get to the service in the Church of Christ the Savior only by special protection. In fact, it is not.

The temple is open for anyone who wants daily from 10:00 to 17:00. On Monday, the Church of Christ the Savior operates from 14:00. The Transfiguration Church works every day, except for those when the service goes in the temple, you can get into it from 08:00 to 19:30. Believers can visit the service passing daily in one of the temples of the complex, usually this happens the Transfiguration Church. In it, it is possible not only to defend the liturgy, but also to take the sacrament of confession and the communion, get married, paint a person, order a pahi, get to the prayer. In the chapel of the Mother of God, on Wednesdays at 17:00 and on Sunday at 14:00, the Akathist of the Mother of God is read.

Visiting Temple On Festive Days

On Sunday days and large church Orthodox holidays, the Savior's Church itself is held in the very church of Christ the Savior, heads their Patriarch Cyril and, of course, many believers want to get into the temple on such a day. Many even come from other cities, especially for Christmas and Easter. For these great holidays, the temple is visited by the President of the Russian Federation.

Despite the fact that the temple is able to accommodate up to 10,000 people, not everyone can get inside from the influx of those who want. In addition, unprecedented security measures are taken on such days and before entering the temple, you need to cost security post. However, no special limitations and invitations are provided, the temple doors are always open for believers.

Some to get into the temple, take the turn of it on the eve and expect morning to accurately get into service. But they can be understood, especially if they overcame a difficult and long way.

4If the purpose of visiting the temple was the museum

If you need to visit the museum, you need to look at the tour desk. Entrance to the museum of the temple is free. However, if you need an excursion, and it will be carried out if necessary, provided that the group consists of at least 2 people, then it will be paid

If you intend to get into the Church of Christ the Savior and want to clarify all the information, you can go to the site of the temple and see the schedule of the nearest worship services Or call +7 (495) 637-12-76



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