What is Liturgy

What is Liturgy

The church began to pass long before the start of reading the New Testament. Christians received his first centuries, because I felt similar spirit, at their stuff. There, then the first mention of liturgy appeared. In our article we will learn what liturgy is and what it has to do with the church.

Features of liturgia

Liturgy is the main church service, during which the sacrament of the Eucharist is committed. In church documents and legends that have been preserved, it is reported that the main chants of the church came from deep antiquity and remained unchanged.

Types of liturgies

  • John of Zlatoust - within the course of the year
  • Vasily Great - 10 times a year, before Merry Christmas, during the Great Post, in Passionate Thursday
  • Forward gifts - during the Great Post
  • Apostle James - on the day of memory of Jacob, the brother of the Lord
  • Apostle Mark - only in foreign churches

The sequence of the sacrament of the Eucharist

  • Input prayers - the beginning of the church service
  • Liturgy announced - prayers are read, sermon, entrance to the temple
  • Liturgy faithful is the communion of children and adults, final prayers, distribution of holy water.

Orthodox worship is truth and unique beauty, and Orthodox liturgy is not only a brilliant essay also a real work of art.

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