Why is it impossible to go to the graveyard?

Why is it impossible to go to the graveyard?

Even Christians who are considered truly pious people are very often not aware of many details of the feathering faith. Let's find out today why you do not need to visit the cemetery.

Bans of faith

First of all, I would like to say that strict prohibitions in faith, most often, know everything, but at the same time, few people are interested, for what reason there is something or another taboo. The fact that you can not attend the cemetery in Light Easter, they know a few, probably also because, few people in this holiday decides to go there, because in a few days there will be the so-called people, a memorial day that is intended for Cleaning the deceased and their mention.

People who are being desire to visit the cemetery in a bright holiday, expose themselves to break with the chosen faith - this is the main reason for the ban on visiting the place of deceased on this day. It should be understood that Easter is an important holiday in Christianity, it is a day of joy and smiles, and grief and sorrow simply there is no place. The day of the mind of the departed is Radonitsa, who comes on the ninth day after the bright holiday of Easter.

Everything is your time, so in Easter people pray, and ask God to help them, praise the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the cemetery, people go to give tribute to the departed and no more than one prayer in this place are not reading, and it is not worth asking anyone else.

If a person believes, then, to observe traditions and canons, it is necessary, as it should be, not inventing anything, and without removing the existing prohibitions simply because you wanted it. Just select another day to visit the cemetery.

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