Forgive Sunday - How to answer

Forgive Sunday - How to answer "Forgive Me"?

Last Sunday, before the beginning of the Great Post, Christians celebrate the holiday of forgiven Sundays. It is called that, because on this day it is customary to ask for forgiveness from everyone who has ever offended. You can apologize sincerely. Take apologies also with clean thoughts and without evil intents.

history of the holiday

The history of Nine forgiveness stretches from the era of Egyptian monks. Every year, before Easter, at the time of the Great Post, they went to the desert. Each monk chose her way, and in no way should have coincided with an expensive like-minded man. Thus, the monk remained in complete loneliness, this is how his true faith was checked.

Such a wandering on endless sand lasted exactly 40 days. With you, they took only water and very little bread. The priests believed that spiritual food is much more important. Therefore, they prayed and glorified God day and night. From the unbearable heat, hot nights and dangerous animals, the life of the monks every minute was under a strong threat. Therefore, not all returned. Of the 50 ministers survived only the fifth part. Before the campaign, they said goodbye to each other and sincerely asked for forgiveness.

The monks knew that they were going to the right death, so they did not want people to remain in Earth to keep evil and insult. They asked for to forgive all the free and unwitting sins. Thus, they cleared the soul and became closer to God.

What needs to be responsible for a farewell Sunday?

On the day of forgiven Sunday, you need to remember everyone who has ever offended. First of all, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from relatives and loved ones, because we are offended most often, especially in a word. To do this, just say: "Forgive me." No need to say, what exactly are you apologize for. Man and so understand. The main thing is that these apologies be sincere, from the pure heart. But the answer after an apology should depend on whether you have forgiven or not:

  • "God will forgive you, and I forgive" - \u200b\u200bso they answer the parishioners if they really forgive their offender. It is important that the answer is the same sincere. It is these words that you show the Lord that no longer hold the evil.
  • "I was not offended at you, and I have nothing to forgive me, but God will forgive" - \u200b\u200bso you need to answer if a person really did not offend anything.

Service in the Church

The laity are confident that she will survive the service on the day of forgiven Sundays should absolutely every believer. Such a service will help recognize your sewers and clear your conscience, as well as with the submitted spirit to join the great post.

On the day of service, the priest asks for forgiveness from all parishioners. In addition to traditional prayers in this holiday, the clergy takes the floor and tells everything that is important about how important it is forgiven. After sermons, all the laity are in line, kiss the cross, the icons of the Savior and the Virgin. On this day, you can ask for forgiveness from the dead, necessarily putting a candle for rest.

If for some reason you cannot meet with a person you offended, then you need to apologize to mentally, pray for his health and put a candle.

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