How to make a girlfriend compliment

How to make a girlfriend compliment

Women love ears and successfully said compliment can highly raise your rating in the eyes of the girl. With the help of a compliment, you can make the location of the girls who visited you, the approval of the boss or sympathy of the colleague. How to learn how to do good compliments?

How to make a girlfriend's compliment correctly

  • Make a compliment confidently, do not worry. Take the real qualities of the girl as a basis, the compliment in no case should be flattered, it is immediately felt.
  • Do not be afraid to seem like a stupid, uninteresting girl, compliments love everything. Try, pay attention to the interesting quality of the girl, praise her taste, to dress up, professional qualities, if it is a colleague.
  • The compliment should always lie personal qualities of the girl. Do not speak outwardly an imperceptible girl about her unearthly beauty, and a complete lady - about her slim figure. But if you see that a full girl lost weight, be sure to make her such a compliment, it is very nice to hear. It is not necessary to say "how you lost weight", you can say "you look very slender" or "What are you doing to be so elegant"?

How to make the perfect compliment to the girl

  • Determine the self-esteem of the girl, it depends on how it will perceive one or another compliment. A girl with a low self-esteem can take a compliment as flattery or insult.
  • Think what kind of compliment you want to do: praise appearance or internal qualities, maybe professional abilities.
  • Speak the compliment sincerely looking into the girl's eyes, you can take her hand if you are on a date.
  • Have a few blanks in arsenal, which you can turn into a specific compliment at a convenient case, for example, about the eye. You can praise their shape, color, expressiveness of the view. "When I look in your eyes, I want to look in them forever", "Your eyes shine like two stars" or "You can not fall in love with your eyes!"
  • When you think up an interesting compliment, do not forget to write it down, at least notes in the cell phone. So you will always have some interesting and pleasant SMS for your beloved girl.

What mistakes make men making compliments to the girl

  • Make a common compliment, and not concrete. No need to say simply "how you look good", notice any interesting part and emphasize. "How do you look good in this dress, it is very good for you" or "how you look good with new hairstyle."
  • Pay attention to what is immediately striking. Beautiful, bright girl say "What are you beautiful" or "what your beautiful eyes are." Pay attention to the hidden qualities, for example, tell the beauty in the office "you are a real professional of your business", and the sulfur "you are just gorgeous in this outfit." But do not overload the stick, the compliment must be real and sincere.
  • They say a compliment, adding the word today. For example, "how good you are today." The girl may think that on other days it is not so beautiful. It is better to emphasize on something else, for example, "how good you are, you have hair like an advertisement."

Examples of original compliments to the girl


  • Your charm and charm eclipses a wonderful spring morning.
  • Your figure is harder birch.
  • In this dress you are the incarnation of spring!

Compliments on appearance

  • I love your eyes the color of Emerald! Only goddess are worthy of such eyes.
  • Delicate look of your eyes speaks many.
  • You are fitting clothes. There is something to show!

Compliments on internal qualities

  • How can I be interested with you.
  • I have not met any more hostess hospitably.
  • Your soul is as beautiful as the appearance.

Compliments explained with humor

  • I look at you and I understand that it keeps at all at all attraction, and you.
  • Your forms are uniform bliss.
  • Stop shoot with eyes, I am wounded.

A compliment is a strong weapon using which you can achieve your goals. It doesn't matter what you want to achieve, get acquainted with a beautiful girl, make up with my wife, ask for an increase in a woman-boss or get a delicious cake to tea from a colleague. The compliment will help you reach it almost always.

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