How to kiss the girl first time

How to kiss the girl first time

The first kisses are a very touching event. And you need to know how young man behave correctly, so as not to spoil the impression. Perhaps these cameals will build new relationships, and in the world will become more on two happy people. An important point that should not be missed is the prelude to a kiss, which means gifts donation, all kinds of courtship. Do not try to make contact as quickly as possible. This is a completely inefficient way. If you do not rush anywhere and stop to hope for something, then everything will happen.

How to kiss the girl for the first time - moral training

  • The first date gives rise to a pleasant alarm and anticipation of something more than ordinary friendly meetings. The girl with a fading of the heart is waiting for her future cavalier. But stupid mistakes can from the very beginning to ruin the development of events. On the first date you need to come collected, elegant and cheerful. No one wants to lead love negotiations with a man in a dirty, poorly smelling T-shirt, rubbed jeans and a sad face. Also, a man should try to put their hair in order, the body. Take a shower, wash your head, shaving thoroughly, cleaned your teeth.

  • Nerves unequivocally stay at home. Shaking hands can only be repaired or even scared. Attract the attention of a cute girl preferably confident tranquility. To eliminate the nerves, you can drink green tea, or make a breathing charging. If it does not help, there is a good option to connect your imagination. It is necessary to imagine how good the future date ended, and everyone went home and happy and satisfied.

  • Strong timidity is not a place on a date, but also persistence too. It is advisable to try to look for a gold mine in behavior. If the guy pulls out his hand from the maiden touches, the question appears, why he came to date. If he immediately has his palm on the maiden hip, such behavior is likely to push the girl too. The balance of feelings and touches should be on the verge!

How to kiss the girl for the first time - the most important actions

  • If the visual contact is previously adjacent, the hands are no longer trembling from fear, you can make the first tags. Dreaming fresh flowers can help melt a maiden heart. It is enough to get a bouquet of the freshest and pleasant smelling forgiveness.

  • Girls love gentle touch. And each has its own special sensitive places. Many will enjoy if you enjoy the waist or not enough to put your hand on fragile shoulders. The lady calms down, will feel male protection. Also there is often an option touching her palms. It is possible that at this moment a hot spark will be held between the pair, which will serve as a guide to further events.

  • The first kisses must be gentle and not persistent. Be sure to follow the reaction of the girl. If she does not like, she is shrieking or trying to turn away, move away, it is probably worth tie to today, or repeat later, using another tactic, another place.

  • If the girl turns into the game, it is definitely necessary to continue, but also not forget to save self-control. It is not desirable that the first kisses were too wet. Such perseverance, emanating on the one hand, can push or simply leave unpleasant, or even other mixed memories.

  • It turns out that a man should start rapprochement. If the girl supports - it will be the first step over the path towards the goal.

During the walk, it is not recommended to talk about war, suffering, monetary problems. It is better to choose a light psychology or just talk about friends, the best human qualities, nature, dreams and plans for the near future. It will not be superfluous to think about how the walk route will be held. The pre-created plan will help break the stages to the stages and plan each of them. For example, first cafes and buns, then romantic cinema, after a botanical garden with wonder plants and to leave a kiss on the lake. Do not necessarily report the ladies about your plans. Let the planning be a mystery.

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