How to treat breast mastopathy

How to treat breast mastopathy

According to statistics in 80 out of 100 women of childbearing age, critical days are accompanied by malaise, irritability, increased appetite, that is, premenstrual syndrome. If there is still a lot of breasts, nipples hurt, and at the palpation of the chest under the skin, some lumps are told, these are signs of mastopathy.

Mastopathy is a benign breast disease, which is expressed in the growth of its fabrics. The cause of the disease is considered a hormonal failure, manifested against the background of stress, inflammation of appendages, liver and thyroid disease. In this case, there is an increase in the blood of estrogen and a decrease in the development of progesterone.

Diagnosis and types of mastopathy

So, if your chest pain has become permanent satellites in the period of menstruation, contact the gynecologist, which will prescribe a survey: blood to hormones, ultrasound of the mammogram, mammography. Distinguish two types of mastopathy:

  • Diffuse mastopathy is the initial stage of the disease at which the connective tissue and the formation of spherical seals occurs.
  • Nodic mastopathy - breast expansion are formed into three-pen-injective dense plaques, nipples bleed, pain puts into the axillary region.

Basically, treatment is carried out by conservative methods: homeopathy, vitamins, hormones, phytotherapy. If all this does not give results, in order to avoid the development of oncology, surgical intervention is recommended.


Treatment of mastopathy homeopathy

Homeopathic preparations are made of natural vegetable, animal, mineral raw materials. They help the body to launch domestic forces on the fight against illness.

  • Mastodinon. Reduces the formation of prolactin in the body. Stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone, normalizes the hormonal background, relieves inflammation and reduces the swelling of the mammary glands.
  • Mastopol. Rasps small education.
  • Mastiol. Prevents recurrences and occurrences of tumors in reproductive organs.
  • Mamoclam - concentrate of brown algae. Adjusts the hormonal chain: the thyroid is the ovaries - the dairy glands.


Vitaminotherapy for mastopathy

Vitamins - Natural controllers of hormonal processes in the body.

  • Vitamin A. Anticancogen. With the use of retinol, a decrease in the growth of epithelial tissue is reduced, the soreness of the glands decreases.
  • Vitamin P. Rutin reduces chest edema, strengthens the walls of the vessels.
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a natural antioxidant. Warns toxic damage to iron tissue cells.
  • Vitamin D. prevents the transition of the disease in a malignant stage.
  • B. B. Vitamins reduce the number of prolactin, relieve stress, pain.
  • Vitamin E. Removes inflammatory processes, regenerates tissues due to collagen formation.

Listed vitamins can be drunk separately, but it is better to use multivitamin complexes where all components are contained in the desired proportion. Most often appoint: Aevit, Vitakan, Trovit.

Do not forget about the living vitamins contained in natural products. Starting treatment, enter vegetables, fruits, cereals, vegetable irrefined oils, fish, nuts, all what is called useful food.


Treatment of mastopathy hormones

When homeopathy and vitamins do not help, doctors recommend hormonal treatment. It is sent to normalize estrogen levels, progesterone, prolactin. Preparations are discharged by patients depending on the tests of the tests.

  • Anti-estrogen - Tamoxifen, Foreston and others. Help reduce the level of estrogen.
  • Oral contraceptives - Silest, Femoden, Marvelon, Mersilon. Restore the menstrual cycle, reduce the signs of fibrous-cystic mastopathy.
  • Androgens - Danazole. Reduce the density of the gland, prevent the formation of cysts.
  • Gestagens. Apply when mastopathy of any complexity. Norcut, Préphnil, Duphaston, Utrezhastan, Norethisteron. From the outdoor tools, the gel of the vise-mode, which is used locally for anesthesia, has been well proven.
  • Prolctin secretion inhibitors. Parlohel. Reduce the size of the nodes in the tissues of the glands, restore reproductive functions.

Hormones 2.

How to treat mastopathy by folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are many proven recipes from this female kival. But so that the babushwear drugs have affected, it is necessary to apply them in a complex treatment complex.

  • Infusion of burdock roots. Brew a tablespoon of dry raw materials in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Give half an hour. Take 1/3 cup twice a day. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  • Broth dill on milk. Pour into an aluminum saucepan of a liter of milk. In addition, pour 100 gr. Seed dill. Boil composition for 5 minutes. After three hours, skip the mixture through the gauze, drain into the glass jar. Use the glass before meals 14 days.
  • Chamomile parires. 50 gr. Flowers hide the glass of boiling water, after 15 minutes, press the grass. Heat fluid, wet the napkin in it and attach to the chest. Walk out the handkerchief. Keep the kip to cooling. Such procedures are useful to do within a month.
  • Appliques from the Moccar. Fresh grass lay down inside a row bra, throw the shirt from above. Mokritsa remove in two hours. The course is the entire summer period.
  • Ointment from the May Celebrela. Skip the grass through the meat grinder, lick the juice and mix it with pork interior with fat 1: 3. This composition lubricate the chest, close the film and warm cloth. Take into the scarf, lie two hours. After that, take a warm shower. We need to be treated for three weeks, as much break. For the year it is recommended to go through four cycles.


Mastopathy is a serious illness, and if you put it on a sidier, can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, comply with the recommendations of the doctor, connect vitaminating meals, take advantage of folk tips, as supplements to the main treatment, and the disease will retreat.

Comments leave a comment
Marina Grigorievna 07/07/2016 at 20:29

I treated my mastopathy so. Firstly observed a diet, no fried, fatty, salted, sharp products. No alcohol and coffee. Maximum balanced food saturated sea products. Also took the vitamins of group A, B, C and E, the homeopathic drug Mastopol. That's all, I tried to get enough sleep, play sports and not nervous, as the stress is the biggest enemy of the female organism.

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Mila. 06/24/2018 at 21:45.

I treated my lovefit. Generally helped well! 2 months course + a month of their cream chest smear. Everything went for the course.

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