Urea in blood is raised - reasons how to treat

Urea in blood is raised - reasons how to treat

There is nothing superfluous in the human body, everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail. Any organ, regardless of whether it is large or small, performs the function-based function. Take kidney for example - the size of them does not exceed the human fist, but the functions that these workers perform, it is impossible to overestimate. What are the kidneys and high urea content in the blood? Find out of our article.

Urea in blood

Urea (carbamide) is the final element obtained due to the collapse of proteins. With the well-coordinated work of the body, the carbamide is derived from the blood through the kidneys and the liver, after which is transported to the urine to the output. The urea is a toxic component of blood, but in normal quantities does not affect the danger. The main task of the carbamide is to derive excess nitrogen from the body. The increase or decrease in urea indicators in the human body is directly related to the proper protein metabolism. Normal uric acid level:

  • For newborn kids 1.2 - 5.3 m / l.
  • In adolescents at 14 years old 1.8-6.5 m / l.
  • In women up to 60 years 2.3-6.6 m / l.
  • In men up to 60 years, 3.7-7.4 m / l.
  • For older people from 60 years and older, the norms are considered 2.8-7.5 m / l.

Reasons for the increase in blood urea

The limit increase in urea is a sign of serious violations in the work of the kidneys. The carbamide may have small deviations from the norm, due to reinforced fiz. Names, or with daily consumption of 100-120 g of protein food (bean, meat). Acutely occurring renal diseases in which high urea content is observed:

  • Acute or chronic pyelonephritis is a violation of the emitted kidney functions. The main signs are urination with concomitant thumbs, the presence in large quantities of blood in the urine, the development of anemia, and as a result, the appearance of weakness and fast fatigue.
  • Polycystic - anomalous development of one or two kidneys, characterized by substitution of surface tissue with multiple cysts. Symptomatics: Catching gastric pains, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, fast fatigue, dizziness. In the serum, the maximum increase in urea indicators is marked.
  • The kidney tuberculosis is an infectious damage caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease may be asymptomatic, for 2-3 years, which complicates early diagnostics.
  • Amyloidosis - deposition in the tissues of protein - amyloid. Symptoms of the disease are manifested in late steps - a sharp weight loss, a decrease in blood pressure to a fainted condition, the occurrence of strong swelling, the absence of urine.
  • Renal failure - the kidneys slow down or completely stop eliminating a nitrogen exchange.

In addition to kidney diseases, urea increases with intestinal infections, gout, burn damasses, cancer prostate tumors, shock, as well as blood-related diseases - leukemia, leukemia, acute phase of anemia.

Medication methods of urea derivation

To date, there is a certain number of drugs that are actively withdrawing urinary acid from the body. All recipes and recommendations you can get your attending physician after a complete examination and definition of the exact disease. Consider several medications appointed to reduce the carbamide in the blood:

  • Benzobromaron - contributes to the rapid removal of uric acid through the intestines. It is a combination of therapeutic measures aimed at treating gout. It is forbidden to apply benzomarrons with progressive kidney pathology, as well as during pregnancy. Dosage and duration of reception is determined in a strictly individual order.
  • Ethamid - warns the fall of carbomide into the blood, contributing to its conclusion through the kidneys. The medical preparation is made according to the scheme - the first treatment lasts about 8 days, then a short break of 5-6 days and repeats the drug again, increasing the dosage.
  • Briemaker - the action of the tablets contributes to the complete dissolution of the uric acid. With prolonged use, the formed uricular stones are completely diluted and derived from the body with urine. In the treatment, it is necessary to regularly examine the acid-alkaline balance. For these purposes, Blemarmen is available in conjunction with the indicator.

Urea in blood increased - folk remedies

In folk medicine there are quite a few recipes that help the derivation of urea from the body. But in no case cannot be taken for the basic medicine - traditional medicine should be perceived exclusively as an aid. Herbal infusions used to treat this condition:

  • Brushing infusion - 3 tablespoons of a dry lifting sheet pour 200 ml of steep boiling water. Pulling a lingonberry is recommended in a closed dish for 2 hours, tightly covered with a towel. Ready infusion must be strain and apply after eating food, 5 grams, 3 times a day.
  • Half a glass of dried podoli beans put into aluminum dishes. Fill the mixture with 1 liter of water, put on a small fire and hold the infusion on the water bath half an hour. The decoction will cool down and strain well. Take 1 table tank before eating.
  • Boil on medium heat 50 grams of birch leaves, filled with 0.5 liters of water. Give the chandelier to strengthen about 1 hour. Take 100 ml during meals.
  • Herbal baths - in 200 gram cups mix the grass of Sage, parts of calendula and chamomile flowers, in equal amounts. The resulting mixture is filled with hot water (500 ml) and insist 2-3 hours. Add herbal infusion into warm foot baths. Session Perform within 10 minutes. Course treatment - 20 days.

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