How to remove the redness after the tan

How to remove the redness after the tan

One of the signs of success in our time is considered to be even, beautiful tan. That is why we are so strive for ponds In the summer, and in the winter we bask in the solariums. But sometimes on the way to the cherished goal Strong tan, we get an unpleasant incatch - red spots, skin burns. Do not despair, the problem is solved. Methods solving like I. in various folk remedies and in medication. The main thing, remember - the sooner you arma them, the greater the likelihood that you do not have to Face with challenges of skin and burns.

Cosmetic funds removed redness after tan

Of course, it is better to prevent trouble, especially since any self-respecting manufacturer of cosmetic products has in sore Arsenal sunscreen both with a low percentage of SPF content and quite high, for every taste. Milk, lotion, tanning cream and after it can be purchased almost anywhere in the world, even in the smallest shop with a brisk trading. Despite this, the precautions taken are not always a panacea.

How Remove redness after tanning with folk methods

The unique properties have such a plant as Aloe. Love for him puts the older generation since childhood, and not in vain, because where yet you find Such a source of useful substances that will be removed by pain syndrome, inflammation and healed the skin in places of sunny burn. Aloe does not live in a pot on your windowsill? In the pharmacy you can buy cream based on aloe juice or oil aloe -effinecT is weaker, but it is.

Do not neglect the proven agents of dairy products. Sour cream, kefir, Prostokvash Here is our joy in the fight against redness after the tan. Of course, the products should be homely, as the stores can be powder and with preservatives, and you need to love yourself.

Raw Potatoes or Fresh Cucumber, grated on terek.It does not always have an appetizing appetizer (especially on the body), but at the same time removes irritation and cools the skin.

Also efficiently olive oil and vodka (if there are no obvious ran. And Absadin). The oil is absorbed, and vodka will evaporate, and you will feel relief.

Medical remedies from redness after tan

Most. common and effective tool from sunburn is an panthenol and all medications With its content. The release form in the form of spray is convenient for use, although the cream is no less effective. Also, skin irritation and pain relieve such drugs like a banal " Sudokra» , «Rescuer" will suit I.« Psilobalzam» , soothing, painkiller and regenerating the action of which is familiar to many.

You can use solar burns and a means that can not be attributed to any medical methods or folk methods. Divide a small amount of milk from the toothpaste of the simplest composition to the consistency of the pancake dough and apply ondamaged skin, leaving the composition for 10 minutes.

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