How to whiten the face after the tan

How to whiten the face after the tan

Not always, the intake of sunbathing is ends with a uniform shade of the skin of the desired intensity. Flap stains, freckles, uneven or too strong tan, bright areas around the eyes or on the forehead - the main causes of lightening faces after the tan.

Make skin tone lighter, align it to help both professional agents and cosmetic procedures and folk methods. Their main goal is to exfoliate cells with an excess of melanin and stimulating the dermis update, as a result of which new cells with a lower pigment content will be replaced.

Whiten the face after the tan in the cabin

For lightening the skin of the face of the masters of salons, the following methods are used: fruit peeling, photo correction, laser therapy. To obtain the necessary effect, several therapy sessions are required.

  • Fruit peeling. The cosmetologist makes the composition of the peeling acids necessary in a particular case. After the end of the exposure time, the remnants are removed, a soothing mask is applied to the face.
  • Photocographication - Impact on the sections of increased pigmentation with high intensity light. After a few days, the exposure area begin to peel, and the processed cells disappear. The final result is visible in a week.
  • Laser therapy - a laser pulse is sent to the lighteous sections. After the laser processing, the skin cooling with a special nozzle to prevent burns and application to the skin reducing balm. This method is not suitable if the tan of "fresh".

Homemade skin lightening after tanning

If for any reason, a visit to the cosmetic salon is excluded, the situation can be corrected at home. To this end, the use of creams with bleaching effect, such as Floresan, Alen Mak Achromine, Christina Fluoroxygen + C, Loretta, Mirra, Eveline, etc.

People's whitening recipes also successfully cope with their task. It is important to remember that the impact of even harmless at first glance is very individual. Before conducting the disclightening procedure, apply the finished mixture into a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.


2-3 Raw potatoes Clean and grind to the state of the casis, for example, using a blender. The resulting composition abundantly apply to the affected area. Leave the mixture on the face until complete drying (about 30 minutes). After - wash everything with cold water. Strengthen the effect possible by adding in a mask immediately before applying a few drops of lemon juice.

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Mask of cucumber

Sattail the cucumber on the grater and add a raw egg to impart the viscosity of the composition. Apply the resulting composition on the face and leave for 30 minutes. It is also possible to use frozen cucumber juice for morning wiping faces. This is thus achieved not only clarifying, but also a toning effect.

Lemon and Grapefrurt

Mix grapefruit and lemon juice with honey. Apply the resulting composition on the face. Leave it for 15 minutes, and after - wash the water. Fruit data zest also has a clarifying effect. To prepare the mixture, it must be chopped into the powder and combine with sour milk or sour cream. Take the resulting thick Cashitz on the face and leave until complete drying. At the end of the exposure time, the composition is washed out a little warm water.


In a small amount of milk add a pinch of turmeric and several drops of lemon juice. Apply a cooked solution on the affected areas and leave until complete drying. Noticeable skin lightening occurs immediately. A mixture of saffron and fresh cream has a similar effect.


Skip the green and roots of the plant through the meat grinder. The resulting cleaner overlaps on the purified face and leave for 25-30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the face is wash.

In the future, to reduce the intensity of solar exposure to the skin, the use of sunscreens is recommended.

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