What tan cream in the solarium is better

What tan cream in the solarium is better

The tanned body is always in fashion, regardless of the time of year. Therefore, if you do not have time to sunbathe on the beach or go on vacation, go to the solarium. Just do not forget to grab a protective agent with you. And we will tell you what kind of tanning cream in the solarium is better.


Remember, the tan in the solarium is not so harmful as in the sun, but this does not mean that you can do without a protective cream. In this case, the skin will dry quickly and covered with wrinkles. Therefore, in front of the procedure, apply a moisturizer to the entire body. If you have very light skin, apply substances with the maximum degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. Of course, you will have to visit the solarium many times before your body becomes bronze, but so you will protect yourself from the formation of wrinkles and dryness.

What tan cream in the solarium is better

Lips, eyes and face

For these parts of the body it is worth using a special cream. Usually on the bottle is written that the tool is designed specifically for these zones. The composition of the face and lip cream may contain useful amino acids and antioxidants. After the tan with the use of such a means, the face will be a little lighter than the body, but it should be.

On the lips it is better to balsam with UV filters. If the skin in the neckline and neck zone is very dry, use fatty tools with a high degree of protection. After solarium, you can lubricate sensitive sections with a cream after a tan with moisturizing oils.

What tan cream in the solarium is better

Cream with bronzer

If you have a dark skin, and you usually sunbathe well, get a means with a bronzer. It is Henna and other natural components that will make tan in saturated and deep. In no case do not use such a substance for light skin.

Cream with Tingles

This is a remedy with irritating substances that enhance blood circulation and stimulate the production of melanin. Accordingly, your body will faster tanned. Do not use similar substances on sensitive and prone to irritation of the skin. It is better to visit the solarium a few times, so you will get a safe and beautiful tan.

If you just started going to the solarium, purchase a small packing of the cream from the first days of tanning. It has a high degree of protection against UV radiation, so your skin will not be photoboring. After 3 sessions, buy a large cream packaging, you can with bronzer and lesser degree of protection. But it is necessary that antioxidants and moisturizing components be required in its composition. The usual sunbathing cream should not be used in solarium, as the sun's rays are more aggressive. Be sure to purchase a tanning line in the solarium.

What tan cream in the solarium is better


Soleo is the Polish cosmetics of medium quality for small money. There are even funds with components for weight loss. Cosmetics of this company are used in almost all solariums. If you wish to pamper yourself, get a supertan tool. Its composition contains endorphins that improve mood. All cosmetics of this company are professional and contains moisturizing components, as well as antioxidants. ESTEL cosmetics are more suitable for women with dark skin, as it contains bronzer and activators.

What tan cream in the solarium is better

Require responsible to the selection of cream for a solarium. So your skin will have a beautiful dark shade, and you will have to avoid dry spots and wrinkles.

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