How to tan with light skin

How to tan with light skin

One of the important issues for any fashionable or a man who follows his appearance is a tanned body. Bronze torso, tanned legs, golden face color give appearance healthy and blooming view. People with dark skin easily achieve such an appearance, but even the smearing "Snow White" would like to meet the requirements that society dictates us. Get the desired - very simple! It is only necessary to follow several uncomplicated rules.

Prepare your skin to stay on the beach. So you do not burn on the very first hour of staying at sea. Three or four hikes in the solarium to 1-15 minutes will make your body less susceptible to the sunshine and help your tanning to become more uniform.

Doctors are not recommended to be located on the beach from 11.00 to 16.00. At this time the Sun is most actively. You risk getting a sunny burn and spend the rest of vacation in the hotel room. Limit on the first day 15-30 minutes in the sun, so you do not burn too fast. By the end of the week you can bring this time interval to two hours.

It is not worth it all the time under the right sunny rays. Choose the morning or evening and try to be as often as possible in the shadow of the canopy, umbrella or wood.

The skull distribution on the skin will be most uniform if you will change the body position every 10 minutes. Do not forget that the most beautiful and even tan occurs with active pastime, so the game in volleyball or beach football will help not only keep the muscles in the tone, but also beautifully tanned.

Do not forget about the sunscreen. High defense factor (SPF) will protect your skin from burns and help extend the stay on the beach. If you have the opportunity to purchase funds with different protective factors, then do not save on your skin health and gradually reduce the degree of protection. Do not forget to periodically update the means after bathing in the reservoir.

Remember that a long stay in water contributes to a faster tan. The water layer serves as a peculiar lens for sunlight and increases their impact several times.

Protect your head from the influence of sun rays. The head is the center of the thermal self-regulation of the human body, thus, overheating can lead to a sunny impact. Put on Panama, hat, golk or wound the delightful turban in oriental style.

Find the opportunity to wash off my saltwater after bathing. The liquid evaporates, leaving salt crystals on the skin. They repeatedly increase the effect of sunlight and can lead to a burn. After the tan, use the moisturizer. It will soften the skin and prevents peeling. In addition to special cosmetic lines, you can use olive, linen or other vegetable oil.

Despite the fact that the tanned body looks healthy and sexually attractive, do not abuse the tan. Use sunscreen not only on the beach, but also in the city. For summer skin care, choose a day cream with SPF.

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