What sun cream in the sun is better

What sun cream in the sun is better

In pursuit of a beautiful bronze tint of the body, special attention should be paid to choosing protection against sunlight. About how it is correct and safe to take sunny baths, which tan cream is better and how to use it correctly - read further in this article.

How to sunbathe without harm to health

The real benefit from the sun on the sun is very doubtful. Everything you get is a new skin color and a dose of vitamin D, which is guaranteed even from oblique rays while being forest. And in order to avoid troubles such as premature aging of the skin, sun burns, pigment stains, it is recommended to follow some rules for safe stay in the sun:

  • Do not save on the protection of the sun. Choose proven brand products with good reviews.
  • In the nutrition, it is worth limking to fruits and vegetables. Drink in a large amount of water, however, avoid ice drinks - you can easily get sick.
  • At noon, it is easiest to get a heat blow, so planned solar baths up to 12 hours. And after 5 pm - the safest tan, you can enjoy the sun until the sunset.
  • Do not forget about the headdress.
  • Exclude your stay in the sun of children to the six-month age.

What tan cream is better

Of course, to determine which tan cream in the sun is better, you need to know the type of your skin, are you good to sunbathe, do you already have a tan. The creams are different from the SPF protection level.
The level of protection SPF shows no power protection, and the time you can spend on the sun without fear of burns.

Thus, the SPF4 indicator indicates that you can spend four times in time without fears than without it, provided you are dark or not prone to skin burns. If you have sensitive and thin light skin, it is worth being careful and to divide the SPF indicator for two and even three. So, if you have a dark-skinned skin, you quite have enough cream with protection up to 5 factors. If the skin is light, but at the same time you easily sunbathe and rarely overtake - you will be protected up to 10 factors. People with sensitive and light skin, as well as children need protection not less than 20.

When choosing a suitable means, use the following advice:

  • Be sure to pay attention to the shelf life of the fund. Cream for a sun must be suitable for at least half a year after purchase.
  • A good cream contains protection from UVA and UVB rays. The packaging is obliged to be information about protection factors from them.
  • The cream, which contains vitamins A and E, not only protect your skin, but will make it even better.
  • Try to use creams with the maximum degree of protection.

How to apply tanning cream

So that the effect of the cream is effective, and the tan turned out to be beautiful and even, doctors recommend:

  • Apply the cream at home, preferably in half an hour before the exit in the sun. The fact is that the action of the cream begins only after full absorption.
  • Upgrade the cream every 2 hours on the body and every half an hour apply to the nose, chest, shoulders.
  • Throwing cream is necessary to slowly, light massage circular movements, until complete absorption.
  • Repeat the procedure after each bathing or with a strong sweating.
  • After staying in the sun, wash the cream cream with cool water and apply a moisturizer.
  • Every 5 minutes, change the body position so that the sun is evenly warmed.
  • For a more beautiful and rich sun can be drunk during the beach season of carrot juice.

As you can see, nothing complicated in the choice and use of tanning creams. Remember that no matter how many times and how the layer you cause sunscreen, the level of protection from this does not become greater, so it is better to immediately apply the cream with a greater degree than overly often and a lot of means with less protection. The best for you will still be the cream, with the help of which, subject to elementary protection rules without harm to the skin and health, you will get a beautiful smooth tan.

Comments leave a comment
Victoria 05/05/2016 at 17:08

I have Rosacea and the Sun is very contraindicated with such a diagnosis, so in the summer it is especially important to protect the skin of the face. My cream with reinforced protection SPF 50+, ruined the expert suits me more than others, since I tried too many tools. It is easy to apply, absorbed and not dirty clothes.

Olya 03/06/2016 at 14:40

The tan is considered one of the factors that predispose to the emergence of Rosacea and lead to its exacerbation. The fact is that the direct sun rays contain ultraviolet radiation, which in high doses is harmful to health. People with Rosacea are especially sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the skin from the Sun, especially in the summer periods. Therefore, I also use the cream rubbed the SP50 + expert, with a very high protective filter, which is just needed at Rosacea. In addition, he has a toning effect, which is very convenient in summer to hide redness.


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