How to quickly light up in the sun

How to quickly light up in the sun

One of the important signs of a good holiday in warm edges is a smooth tan. Golden or chocolate leather looks very attractive. There are many ways to quickly light up, for example, visiting the solarium, the use of auto market. However, the natural tan is an undisputed leader. Is it possible to get a beautiful tan in the sun in a short time and not harm health, which recommendations must be followed, consider in our article.

Preparatory procedures

About a week before you plan to go sunbathe in the south or local beach, you should prepare your body:

  1. If you want to get a beautiful tangle for a short time, you need to receive a complex of polyvitamins. The ideal option will be special leather complexes, including vitamins A, B, C, E, Selenium and Licopene.
  2. In order for the tan to be smooth, it is pre-performed cleansing the skin with a peeling or body scrub. These procedures will help clean the skin from the dead cells, as a result of the tanning will go to new cells and will last longer. But after sunny baths, these procedures are not recommended. The skin and body skin moisturize the special agent, since dry cells die faster.
  3. The skin must be prepared for a strong exposure to the hot rays of the sun. A visit to a solarium will help.


For a beautiful tanning, special substances contained in vegetables, fruits and other products are needed:

  1. In the human body, a chemical process of making pigment - melanin occurs, as a result, the skin acquires a golden shade. In this process, a certain role is played by the beta-carotene substance. It is contained in red and orange vegetables and fruits: carrots, pumpkins, watermelon, pepper, apricots, apples, etc. But for better assimilation of the provitamin, grease-containing products are required: sour cream, cream, vegetable oils.
  2. Another necessary substance is the amino acid tyrosine, which is contained in the liver, meat, fish, beans, avocado, almond.
  3. For an hour or two to the alleged tan, they recommend using citrus and decoction of richness, in order to replenish in the body of vitamin C.

Tanning products

The cosmetic departments present various means used both from sunbathing and gaining it:

  1. The cream, which consists of special additives, allows you to speed up the tan and not harm the skin. It is allowed to apply on white and dark skin. The cream contains substances that increase the generation of pigment. Such products are perfectly care for the skin, creating a protective layer from burns.
  2. Some creams contribute to strengthening blood circulation, so the tan falls quickly. There are restrictions on the use of "Tingle-cream": it is not recommended to apply on light, not tanned skin and face.
  3. Avoid burns will help a means with SPF protection factor. Such a cream is well moistened to the skin and protects from ultraviolet. Cream must be properly selected: if the skin is very light, the SPF index must be higher.
  4. There are creams for use in solarium. It is forbidden to apply this cream on the beach, you can burn hard.
  5. Cosmetic oils from natural ingredients are well affected by the skin. Oil is usually applied only on tanned skin.

How to sunbathe

The highest quality tan can be obtained, resting on the beach near the reservoir. The water surface reflects the rays of the sun, thereby enhances their impact. During swimming, the tan also quickly acquires a golden shade. Usually, the water was wet air, so the skin does not dry much. If you want to get a uniform tan, you need to constantly move.

Do not forget to take a shower after the tan and use moisturizing agents.

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